[csaa-forum] New book in cultural studies: The Postcolonial Eye
Amanda Third
A.Third at uws.edu.au
Wed Mar 21 09:53:16 CST 2012
Dear cultural studies colleagues
Please find attached a flyer and order form for
Alison Ravenscroft's new book,
The Postcolonial Eye: White Australian Desire and the Visual Field of Race (Ashcroft, 2012).
‘This exquisitely written and important book combines the most sophisticated aspects of critical theory with the important question of race and vision. In focusing on the contemporary Australian scene, Ravenscroft demonstrates an acute, tortured and urgent problem of race. And it is precisely because of this specificity that Ravenscroft is able to avoid the generalizing claims that dominate many modes of critical theory. The Postcolonial Eye will be hailed as a major contribution to race
theory, postcolonial theory, political theory and ethics.’
Claire Colebrook, Penn State University, USA
The Postcolonial Eye is about the ‘eye’ and the ‘I’ in the
contemporary Australian scene of race, specifically the subjectivity of vision and the troubled project of knowing one another across the cultural divide between white and Indigenous Australia. Though located in Australian Studies, Ravenscroft’s book, in its interrogation of race and whiteness and engagement with European and American literature and criticism, has far-reaching implications
for understanding the important question of race and vision.
Contents: Introduction: scenes of race; Part I ‘there Is and Can Be no Brute VIsIon’: The eye and the ‘I’. Part II When the other dIsaPPears from my LIne of sIght: Coming to matter: the grounds of our embodied difference; What falls from view? On re-reading Plains of Promise; Dreaming of others: Carpentaria and its critics; A postcolonial uncanny. Part III the Image of my oWn desIre: White men as hidden spectators; White women looking on; ‘Matron always carried a small whip’.
Part IV WhIteness and Its VeILs: Darkness casts its light: Australian blackface; Resisting a white spectator’s enjoyment: Benang’s aesthetics; Bibliography; Index.
Dr Amanda Third
Senior Lecturer
School of Humanities and Communication Arts
Institute for Culture and Society
University of Western Sydney
ph: +61 2 9772 6028 (w) +61 420 36 47 58 (m)
email: a.third at uws.edu.au<mailto:a.third at uws.edu.au>
- President, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia
- Research Program Co-Leader, Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre (YAW-CRC)
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