[csaa-forum] +++ ECREA - SUMMER SCHOOL 2006 - Call for participants +++
Nico Carpentier
nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
Fri Mar 10 19:03:48 CST 2006
>Sorry for cross-posting. Please distribute widely.
>Intensive Programme in Media and Communication:
>Enlarging Europe - enlarging participation?
>20. August 1. September 2006, Tartu, Estonia.
>We are happy to invite you to participate in the Intensive Programme in
>Media and Communication 2006 in Tartu, Estonia from the 20th of August
>till the 2nd of September 2006. The overall theme for the programme will
>be "Enlarging Europe enlarging participation?". This main theme of the
>summer school has been chosen because the enlargement process is opening
>up a number of challenges and opportunities. Europe now has more types of
>media organizations, cultures and styles. The thrust towards the knowledge
>society has various effects on the everyday life of European citizens,
>their participation in societal activities and media consumption. To
>facilitate the successful, continuous and democratic European integration,
>media have a vital role to play.
>The Intensive Programme in Media and Communication 2006 brings together
>members of the European research community to this summer school in order
>to debate contemporary issues in media, communication and cultural
>studies. The programme combines contributions from international experts
>and junior scholars, and takes the form of lectures, seminars,
>presentations, and workshops. The summer school aims to provide a
>supportive international setting where doctoral students can present their
>ongoing work and meet students and academics from other countries,
>establishing valuable contacts for the future. It also presents the
>international landscape of communication and media research, helping the
>students situate themselves within that.
>The summer school will be in the premises of University of Tartu, in the
>Department of Journalism and Communication.
>There are three options possible to attend the summer school:
>1. For students whose universities are a member of the organising
>consortium(1) the fee for the summer school will be 370 Euros. This fee
>will also cover the (cheapest possible) travel costs to the summer school
>location (Tartu).
>2. For individual or institutional ECREA members (see
>http://www.eccr.info/ecrea), the fee will also be 370 Euros. This fee will
>not cover the travel costs.
>3. Non-consortium and non-ECREA members can become an ECREA member at
>a highly reduced fee. The ECREA membership application can be submitted
>simultaneously with the summer school application. The summer school fee
>will be 370 Euros. This fee will not cover the travel costs.
>(1) These universities are: Amsterdam (UvA), Barcelona (Universidad
>Autonoma), Bergen, Brussel (VUB), Budapest (Eötvös Loránd), Cracow
>(Jagiellonian), Erfurt, Helsinki, Lund, Roskilde, Stirling, Tampere and
>Summer school materials (including a book), accommodation, breakfast,
>coffee and lunch are included in all three options. Regretfully, there are
>no travel- or other grants.
>Interested students are welcome to submit their expressions of interests
>via a web form, which will be available from the 1st of April
>(http://www.comsummerschool.org). The deadline for the application is the
>15th of May. The main theme of the Intensive Programme is not a selection
>criterion for student papers, and students working in different fields are
>also welcomed. Nevertheless, students working in this specific field are
>especially encouraged to apply. The working language of the Intensive
>Programme will be English; therefore sufficient understanding and ability
>to express oneself in this language will be expected.
>When applying, each interested student will be expected fill out a form on
>the summer school website. This will include 1/information on their
>academic profile, 2/an abstract of their PhD project (no more than 400
>words, with a structure and contents of their choosing) and 3/answers on
>the following five questions concerning their PhD project:
> * Whats your main paradigm?
> * Whats your theoretical framework?
> * What are your methods?
> * Whats your main objective?
> * How much time have you used, how much time have your left?
>The abstracts and answers to the above five questions of the applications
>that where accepted will also be published in the summer school
>proceedings. Students are therefore requested to pay close attention to
>the correctness of all details.
>Students whose abstracts are accepted will then (in a second phase) be
>expected to provide the following documents and information by the 1st of
>July 2006:
>1. A 10 page (3000 words) paper on their PhD project as a whole
>2. A set of questions (maximum 1 page) with questions or problems that
>related to their own PhD projects.
>3. As students will be required to act as a respondent for one other
>student PhD paper, they are requested to provide the summer school
>organisation with the title of this one student paper.
>The 10 page paper should be a report of the students ongoing doctoral
>research and not a conventional conference paper or a report of findings.
>Rather, it is expected that the student will briefly present the focus of
>the research and then take up aspects of the research process:
>methodological, theoretical and practical issues on which he/she would
>like to receive feedback.
>By the time of the summer school, each student has to prepare a 10-minute
>seminar presentation covering the main points of their work. Each student
>is also expected to actively participate in the discussions of their own
>and other peoples work. As mentioned above, they will act as a respondent
>of someone elses paper (which they have to have read beforehand).
>The number of students will be limited to 3 students from each member
>university of the Intensive Programme. Students whose universities are not
>members of the consortium can apply to be part of the programme through
>European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Only up
>to 10 students can join the summer school through ECREA.
>All questions concerning the application procedure and other information
>can be directed to the Co-ordinator of the Summer School Pille
>Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt from University of Tartu by e-mail
>(<mailto:pille.vengerfeldt at ut.ee>pille.vengerfeldt at ut.ee) or via the
>website: http://www.comsummerschool.org.
>The Programme Committee members are: Prof. Nico Carpentier, Dr. Maren
>Hartmann, Prof. Kaarle Nordenstreng, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt and Prof.
>Peeter Vihalemm
>The Intensive Programme is supported by Socrates Erasmus (IP project
>contract number: 69935-IC-1-2004-EE-ERASMUS-IPUC-6), the European
>Communication Research and Education Association
>(<http://www.eccr.info/ecrea>www.eccr.info/ecrea) the University of Tartu,
>department of Journalism and Communication
>(<http://www.jrnl.ut.ee/>www.jrnl.ut.ee) and a consortium of 14 universities.
>Carpentier Nico (Phd)
>Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
>Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
>Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
>T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.24.14
>F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
>Office: 5B.401a
>Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
>Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
>T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
>F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
>Office: 4/0/18
>European Communication Research and Education Association
>Web: http://www.eccr.info/ecrea/
>E-mail: Nico.Carpentier at kubrussel.ac.be
>Web: http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~ncarpent/
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