[csaa-forum] Fwd: please ...

Warwick Mules w.mules at cqu.edu.au
Thu Nov 10 09:13:40 CST 2005

can't see where the poll is on Santoro's web site from the URL that 
was provided


>I pass on a message from the musician Kim Sanders.
>>I try not to clog peoples' inboxes, but this is important.
>>The ABC is under attack, this time by Qld Senator Santo Santoro, 
>>who is running a poll on his
>>website about purported bias.
>>Can you please vote and then circulate the web address 
>>The ABC is very vulnerable in the present climate, and needs our 
>>support.  Particularly so Late Night Live, the most (only?) 
>>intelligent programme discussing ideas and politics, which would be 
>>an ideal target for new "anti-terrorist" sedition laws. 
>>Particularly so as the programme is as unpopular amongst some 
>>sections of the Labour Party as the Coalition.
>>Please consider writing to the ABC expressing support for LNL and 
>>othe programmes now subject to increasing political pressure.
>>And if you're interested in World Music, you could write and 
>>support The Planet, which has already lost its daytime spot and 
>>confined to the late night. When these things are presented as a 
>>fait accompli, it's very hard to get them back.
>>We live in troubled times, and if we do nothing things will get worse.
>Dr James Donald
>Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
>Professor of Film Studies, School of Media, Film and Theatre
>University of New South Wales
>NSW 2052
>Telephone	(02)9385 4858
>Mobile		0433 126445
>Facsimile		(02)9662 2335
>Telephone	+612 9385 4858
>Mobile		+61433 126445
>Facsimile		+612 9662 2335
>discussion list of the cultural studies association of australasia
>change your subscription details at 

Dr. Warwick Mules, Editor Transformations, http://transformations.cqu.edu.au

Cultural Studies,
Humanities, Central Queensland University
Bundaberg Campus,				email: w.mules at cqu.edu.au
Locked Bag 3333 DC				phone: 0741 507142
Bundaberg, Queensland			mobile: 04122 92541
Australia  4670				fax:   0741 507080
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