[csaa-forum] Re: can anyone help?

Rowan Wilken r.wilken at pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Jan 17 10:27:15 CST 2005

Hi Mel, one essay that immediately springs to mind is Umberto Eco's 'Lumbar 
Thought', in trans. William Weaver, _Travels in Hyperreality_ [aka Faith in 
Fakes] (London: Picador, 1987): 191-195 - an essay on jeans and how the 
wearing of tight blue jeans constricts the interior life as well as the 
body. Hope this helps. Rowan.

Rowan Wilken
PhD candidate
University of Melbourne

>Hi all,
>I'm wondering if anyone can point me towards any writing on the way 
>clothes fit and feel as a kind of 'body modification' technology?

>for example, the tightness of a jacket across your shoulders makes you 
>feel 'more formal' or like a 'bold corporate warrior', and in turn alters 
>your posture, gesture and use of space.
>Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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