[csaa-forum] FW: Call for papers/presentations

Andrew Murphie a.murphie at unsw.edu.au
Tue Dec 7 11:47:41 CST 2004

From: Yuji Sone <y.sone at unsw.edu.au>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 13:14:23 +1100
To: Yuji Sone <y.sone at unsw.edu.au>
Subject: Call for papers/presentations

e-Performance and Plug-ins
A Mediatised Performance Conference

01 and 02 December 2005
The School of Media, Film & Theatre, University of New South Wales,

The hybrid phenomena created by new media performance-makers traverse a
range of academic disciplines and approaches from philosophical enquiry into
the ontology of liveness to the very technical and logistical questions of
performance in a mediatised environment under diverse conditions of

Some performance theorists have questioned the notion of liveness by asking
'How is the liveness of the performance changed when it occurs within the
spaces of technology?' Others have discussed the phenomenon of Internet use
as 'performance on-line' and have used terms commonly found in new media
discourses, such as 'posthuman', 'virtual bodies', 'embodiment' and
'telepresence'. Yet others draw upon Lacanian film theory in their analysis.

This symposium will address the range of these extant approaches and seek
new discourses with which to talk about this emergent area of study. It is
intended as a forum for cross- and multi-disciplinary investigations of
issues around media/technology-based performance. Paralleling the diversity
and range of artistic and theoretical approaches to media-based performance,
conference contributors will present multi-modally, including live video
interventions by speakers outside Australia, live performances, as well as
presentations of scholarly papers and practice-led research.

Areas of enquiry
In developing their submissions, delegates are asked to address one or more
of the following areas of enquiry:

 What terminology is appropriate to the discussion of mediatised
performance? Is the traditional language of performance studies, terms such
as 'dramaturgy' or 'ritual', helpful in discussing media/technology-based
performance? Or are information-technology terms such as 'interface' and
'interactivity' more useful?

    What are the key challenges arising in collaborations between theorists
from different disciplines when discussing live performance in a mediated

     What issues, for both critic and practitioner, lie at the nexus of
theory and practice in digital performance?

 What are the epistemological differences between a virtual performance in
a virtual venue (on the Internet and/or computer) and a new media 'live'
performance in a theatre?

   Where exactly would a history of mediatised performance begin? What
would that history cover, and what would it privilege? What is the future
for mediatised performance?
  Abstracts and proposals are invited in the following forms:

1. Scholarly Paper
A paper of 20 minutes duration, with time then allocated for questions and
discussions (10 minutes). Papers should address an aspect of the
conference's areas of enquiry as described above. Abstracts to be sent by 01
June 2005. (Response by 15 July 2005)

2. Presentation of Practice-Led Research
Artist/scholars are invited to submit proposals for a 20-minute theoretical
discussion of their own art/performance works through documentation in
relation to any of the conference's areas of enquiry. Abstracts to be sent
by 01 June 2005. (Response by 15 July 2005)

3. Panel
Design, curate, and organise a panel which addresses any of the conference's
areas of enquiry. Panel sessions will be two hours in duration and should
include no more than four speakers in order to set a framework for
discussion. Proposals including brief details of panel framework and
speakers' contributions to be sent by 01 April 2005. (Response by 01 May

4. 'Live' performance
Proposals for a short 'live' media-based/intermedia performance (max. 20
minutes duration) may be submitted. Artists will be responsible for
providing for the particular technical needs of their performances, while
the conference organisers will provide a theatre venue with basic audio and
visual equipment and Mac computers. The selected works will be showcased as
an evening performance event. Proposals including technical requirements to
be sent by 01 May 2005. (Response by 01 June 2005)

Please submit the following:
ß An abstract (approx. 300 words) for Categories 1 and 2
ß A proposal (approx. 800 words) for Categories 3 and 4
ß Your name, title, and professional affiliation
ß A one-paragraph biography (no more than 100 words) for publication in the
conference program
ß An email contact address
ß Technical requirements for your presentation (software/hardware)

Conference organisers
Executive committee:  George Kouvaros, Andrew Murphie, Ed Scheer
Advisory committee: John Golder, Su Goldfish, Clare Grant, Ross Harley, Moe

Enquires: Yuji Sone (Conference Coordinator) at y.sone at unsw.edu.au

Dr Yuji Sone
Vice-Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Media, Film and Theatre
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia
Ph:        +61 2 9385 4862
Fax:     +61 2 9662 2335

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