[csaa-forum] The Fibreculture Journal Issue 3 is online
Andrew Murphie
a.murphie at unsw.edu.au
Wed Dec 8 09:42:27 CST 2004
Launch of the Fibreculture Journal - Issue 3 (2004)
The Fibreculture Journal team (http://journal.fibreculture.org) has now put
issue 3 online.
FCJ's Issue 3 contains articles by Trebor Scholz on collaboration in new
media arts education, José van Dijck on diaries and lifelogs, Philip Roe on
the theory of the interface, an interview with Niles Eldrege by Belinda
Barnet on material cultural evolution (especially cornets!), Kylie Veale on
memorialising the dead online, Jonathan Marshall on the online body, and
Séamus Byrne on the Google Bomb.
The Fibreculture Journal is the online journal of the
Fibreculture network of critical Internet research and culture in
Australasia. It has grown out of the 'fibreculture' online mailing
list that started in 2001 (http://www.fibreculture.org). Dedicated to
critical discussion of the Internet and new media in relation to IT
policy, networked culture, new media education and arts in an
Australasian context, the list now has over 750 subscribers.
The Fibreculture Journal is a peer reviewed, scholarly publication
that extends the research and theoretical discussion of the list
culture. The journal encourages transdisciplinary approaches to
thinking about new media and networked knowledge and practices and
seeks to foster experimental and dissident intellectual endeavours.
Next year the journal is moving towards publishing as many as 6 issues, on:
Contagion and the Diseases of Information
Multitudes, Creative Organisation, and the Precarious Condition of
New Media Labour
Mobility, New Social Intensities, and the Coordinates of Digital Networks
Distributed Aesthetics
Games Networks
New Pedagodies for New Media
Thanks to everyone involved in 2004 - especially Lisa Gye who manages the
journal, designs the site, and keeps things running smoothly, the rest of
the hard working editorial committee (Anna Munster, Gillian Fuller, Esther
Milne, Ingrid Richardson, Ned Rossiter, Lisa Gye), all the referees who have
given their time and expertise, the editorial board for their support,
myspinach.org for their ongoing support of Fibreculture, and, last but not
least, the authors who have provided us with such excellent material.
FCJ wishes everyone well for 2005.
Andrew Murphie
"I thought I had reached port; but I seemed to be cast
back again into the open sea" (Deleuze and Guattari, after Leibniz)
Dr Andrew Murphie - Senior Lecturer
School of Media and Communications, University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia, 2052
fax:612 93856812 tlf:612 93855548 email: a.murphie at unsw.edu.au
room 311H, Webster Building
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