[csaa-forum] [borderlands_news] new issue: why whiteness studies?

| Damien | damienriggs at yahoo.com.au
Tue Dec 7 09:55:11 CST 2004

New Issue Online Now


Volume 3 Number 2, 2004
Editor: Damien W. Riggs


Damien W. Riggs
"We Don't Talk About Race Anymore": Power, Privilege
and Critical Whiteness Studies


Mike Hill and Damien W. Riggs
Whiteness Redux


Fiona Nicoll
"Are You Calling Me a Racist?": Teaching
Critical Whiteness Studies in Indigenous Sovereignty

Nado Aveling
Critical Whiteness Studies and the Challenges
of Learning to be a "White Ally"

Jane Haggis
Beyond Race and Whiteness? Reflections on the
New Abolitionists and an Australian Critical Whiteness Studies

Karen Brodkin
Studying Whiteness Shouldn't be Academic

Aileen Moreton-Robinson
The Possessive Logic of Patriarchal White Sovereignty:
The High Court and the Yorta Yorta Decision

Jan Larbalestier
White Over Black: Discourses of Whiteness in Australian Culture

Rachel Standfield
A 'Remarkably Tolerant Nation=92? Constructions of Benign
Whiteness in Australian Political Discourse

Simeon Moran
White Lives in Focus: Connecting Social Praxis,
Subjectivity and Privilege

Sara Ahmed
Declarations of Whiteness: The Non-Performativity of Anti-Racism

Robyn Westcott
Witnessing Whiteness: Articulating Race and the 'Politics of Style'

Fiona Probyn
Playing Chicken at the Intersection: The White Critic of Whiteness


Angela Mitropolous
The micro-physics of theoretical production and border crossings
(Jason Read, The Micro-Politics of Capital, SUNY Press, 2003)

Vicki Karaminas
Dispositions (McKenzie Wark, Dispositions, Salt Publishing, 2002)
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