[csaa-forum] Special issue 'Discourse Theory and the Turn to Practice' (Journal of Language and Politics) published

Nico CARPENTIER nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Tue Jan 28 18:05:28 ACST 2025

((apologies for cross-posting))

We have just published a special issue of the Journal of Language and 
Politics on Discourse Theory and the Turn to Practice.

The aim of this special issue is to bring together work that advances 
the post-structuralist discourse-theoretical tradition as a framework 
for the study of political practice within and beyond the field of 
politics. It focuses on work inspired by the Essex school of discourse 
theory (DT) but takes an explicitly open approach to this and sees the 
interdisciplinary dialogue between DT and different strands of discourse 
studies and other approaches to power and ideology across disciplines as 
a precondition for the strengthening of DT as a sharp and useful 
discursive framework for the study of contemporary political practices 
in the broad sense.


*Discourse Theory and the Turn to Practice*

Special issue of the Journal of Language and Politics

Edited by Benjamin De Cleen, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos,  Jana 
Goyvaerts, Max Grönegräs, and Yannis Stavrakakis


Discourse theory and the turn to practice: Lessons from the populist moment
Benjamin De Cleen, Jason Glynos, Jana Goyvaerts & Yannis Stavrakakis | 
pp. 1–24

Discourse Theory and Strategic Communication: A long-expected party
Thomas Jacobs | pp. 25–49

Supplementing the tropes: Poststructuralist discourse theory and 
rhetorical political analysis
Alan Finlayson | pp. 50–68

Community organising and radical democracy: From praxis to theory and 
back again
Julius Schneider, Rebecca Warren & Jason Glynos | pp. 69–90

Studying affect through discourse theory: Towards a methodology of practice
Emmy Eklundh & Sebastián Ronderos | pp. 91–114

When performance studies meet discourse theory: The political 
performance analysis protocol as an interdisciplinary methodological tool
Théo Aiolfi | pp. 115–141

“A massive field of action”: Feminist anti-essentialism and political 
discourse theory
Jenny Gunnarsson Payne | pp. 142–162


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