[csaa-forum] AMCAP doctoral spring school 2023 - call for candidates
nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Fri Nov 25 07:47:11 ACST 2022
((apologies for crossposting))
FEBRUARY 11 – 19, 2023
Venue: Beaconhouse National University, Tarogil Campus, Lahore, Pakistan
Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP) in
collaboration with IAMCR (International Association of Media and
Communication Research) and Beaconhouse National University, Lahore is
planning to organize its fourth Doctoral Spring School which will be a
9-day ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association)
style doctoral spring school offering one-on-one mentoring, workshops,
lectures, panel discussions, seminars, projects and media organizations
visits. AMCAP invites faculty, PhD scholars, and researchers to submit
International Mentors include:
1. Prof. Dr. Nico Carpentier (International Advisor for the AMCAP Spring
School from Czech Republic)
2. Prof. Dr. Pille Vengerfeldt (International Advisor for the AMCAP
Spring School from Sweden)
3. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Eide (Norway)
4. Prof. Dr. Murat Askar (Ireland)
5. Prof. Dr. Svetlana Bodrunova (Russia)
6. Prof. Dr. Francois Heinderyckx (Belgium)
7. Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rehman (Pakistan)
8. Prof. Dr. Abida Ashraf (Pakistan)
Who can apply?
You can apply in two domains.
1. Participant (currently enrolled in PhD (Media/Communication/Social
Sciences with research focusing on media)
2. Observer (aspiring PhD scholars, faculty, and media professionals)
How to apply?
• To be part of it as a participant you need to send an abstract (no
more than 1500 words) to amcap92ss at gmail.com
• To be part of it as an observer you only need to send an email to show
interest and intent. (no abstract required)
Registration Fee:
• International Participant: 250 USD
• International Observer: 200 USD
Fee must be paid right after receiving the acceptance letter.
• Abstract Submission/Email for observers: December 20, 2022
• Acceptance Notification: December 30, 2022
For queries and details:
Contact our Co-coordinators
Dr. Saadia Nauman and Dr. Shazia Saeed at amcap92ss at gmail.com
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