[csaa-forum] CFP: Conceptualising Youth Mobilities amidst Social Challenges Workshop

HAO ZHENG haozhen at deakin.edu.au
Mon Jul 18 16:02:05 ACST 2022

Conceptualising Youth Mobilities amidst Social Challenges Workshop
Abstract due 5pm (AEST) on 31 July 2022

Conceptualising Youth Mobilities amidst Social Challenges will bring together researchers with an interest in youth mobilities, from across the social sciences, for a one-day workshop. This workshop will be held on Monday, 28 November 2022, at Deakin University and online on Zoom.

The workshop welcomes all researchers who wish to share their scholarships and participate in discussions around youth mobilities. It seeks to provide an opportunity for attendees to build networks and connect with like-minded researchers at all stages of their careers, including early career and postgraduate. We seek to support research that has a connection to Australia. However, we also recognise that as youth mobilities research, this may likely include connections to places overseas.

We invite presentations that examine transnational youth mobilities amidst the social challenges of our contemporary world. What is the role of mobility in young people’s negotiation of social challenges? How might emerging forms of mobility (re)shape perceptions of adulthood and aspirations for youth transitions? How do young people construct belonging and place in a mobile world?

The theme of Social Challenges is particularly timely considering the growing knowledge of the challenges that young people face as society emerges from COVID-19 associated lockdowns; grappling with, in many cases, pre-existing issues including mental health, employment, racism and inequality, among others.

We invite submissions focusing especially on youth mobilities. However, other topics we may consider are:

  *   Youth transitions

  *   Youth futures and aspirations
  *   Belonging
  *   Transnational ties
  *   Covid-19 and youth

Traditional academic papers and alternative presentations (e.g. creative readings, collective presentations, posters, etc.) are welcome. Please submit 200-word abstracts and 100-word bios via the Google Form<https://forms.gle/3oMUsN1jHXGhWraz6> (https://forms.gle/K9ZBdK2TdH4BJyRD6) by 5pm (AEST) on 31 July 2022.

For questions or more information, please get in touch with Hao Zheng (haozhen at deakin.edu.au<mailto:haozhen at deakin.edu.au>) or Alex Lee (leealex at deakin.edu.au<mailto:leealex at deakin.edu.au>).

Kind regards,
Hao (on behalf of the organising committee)

Hao Zheng (she/her)

PhD Candidate
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship & Globalisation
Deakin University

221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood, VIC, Australia 3125

Recent Publication:
Shared Motherhood or Free Surrogacy?: Risks and Vulnerabilities in a Chinese Lesbian’s Family-making<https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2021.1923281>, Journal of Homosexuality.

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