[csaa-forum] Call for Applicants: Melbourne Women in Film Festival Critics Lab 2021
Timothy Laurie
Timothy.Laurie at uts.edu.au
Fri Dec 11 08:45:29 ACST 2020
Call for Applicants: Melbourne Women in Film Festival Critics Lab 2021
"The MWFF Critics Lab is an initiative to support the development of a new generation of screen critics. We facilitate critical discussion of screen culture, celebrate established critics, and mentor emerging talent. This program is designed to support the critical perspectives of people of marginalised genders, including women, non-binary folks, trans men and people with Indigenous gender identities comfortable with taking part in a MWFF initiative. Applications are sought from future critics from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the island nations of the wider Moana Oceania.
As part of the MWFF Critics Lab, participants will be involved in mentoring sessions with established screen critics and will produce a range of content for publication before, during and after the festival. MWFF Critics Lab participants will be granted access to films, publicity materials, guests and networking opportunities throughout the festival. They also get the chance to watch all short films in our program and decide the winner of our annual "Critics Choice" award."
Applicants will need to be available to attend festival events and online mentoring sessions in February 2021, but participants do not need to be based in Melbourne.
Applications should be sent to Whitney Monaghan at whitney at mwff.org.au<mailto:whitney at mwff.org.au> by midnight, January 3, 2021.
Applicants will need to submit a cover letter and a 300 word sample review
Details here: https://mwff.org.au/critics-lab-2021<https://mwff.org.au/critics-lab-2021>
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