[csaa-forum] Call for Book-chapter Abstracts for Edited Book - Eliciting and Empowering Subjugated Knowledges: Reimagining Educational and Sociocultural Futures

Annette Bromdal Annette.Bromdal at usq.edu.au
Thu Oct 8 14:20:41 ACST 2020

Call for Book-chapter Abstracts for Edited Book
Eliciting and Empowering Subjugated Knowledges: Reimagining Educational and Sociocultural Futures

1    The rationale
This edited book, which focuses on illuminating and interrogating enduringly powerful and valued manifestations of knowledge at the expense of devaluing and subjugating other knowledges, is intended to provide a space for authors and readers to take a significant step forward in their thinking regarding scholarly engagement with the world, in its multiplicity of forms and contemporary challenges. The purpose for this edited book is to create the opportunity for a wide range of authors to engage with, mobilise and/or critique ‘subjugated knowledges’ as a productive means of elaborating and sharing their respective scholarly projects and journeys in light of contemporary challenges. This call of a contextual purpose is intended to give voice to diverse expressions of subjugated knowledges while encouraging authors and readers to comprehend/envisage the intrinsic evolutionary power/potential of these knowledges.

The concept of subjugated knowledges and accompanying sub-concepts, such as subjects and their subjectivity, is a product of the thinking and work of Michel Foucault whose remarkable oeuvre focused on power and power relations both at institutional and individual levels. Forty years on, these Foucauldian concepts remain powerful and relevant tools for scholars as they grapple with current issues and concerns, and continue to advocate, reform, transform, and re-invent their work shaping structures, thoughts, and realities. The illuminative and positively transformative effects of scholars’ use of Foucauldian concepts can be seen as reflected within the public sphere, where some custodians of subjugated knowledges use concepts such as “speaking the truth to power” revealed in strategies of ‘truth-telling’. In this way, activism and advocacy around subjugated knowledges can be seen not only as acts of resistance, but also acts of assistance, with truth-telling serving as an act of public education.

The sharing of ideas between researchers, and subjugated and marginalised communities is latent with the potential to educate the public in constructive, alternate knowledges. Such a platform and partnership seem critical to overturning the impoverishing processes of an enduring hegemonic neoliberal/knowledge economy. As Foucault has highlighted - historically, a significant feature of privileged and powerful forms of knowledge has been their capacity to overwhelm and colonise other forms of knowledge. In other words, along with the emergence of disciplines of knowledge was a process of the disciplining of knowledge, which meant that certain ways of knowing were subjugated and effectively rendered invisible. For Foucault, the university played a central role in these processes: indeed, the university’s primary function became one of selection, not so much of people but of knowledges. These processes and characteristics remain a challenge today insofar as the university continues to discipline knowledge.

The concept of the university as an agent of transformation, within this function, is based on an active and ongoing commitment to marginalising certain forms of knowledge in favour of others. Owing to the ideas and insights that Foucault (2003) and other theorists have made available, researchers today continue to have the tools and theoretical approaches to challenge and positively change that tradition by bringing to light subjugated forms of knowledge for their valid critique. Indeed, such a project encapsulates the philosophy informing Foucault’s (2003) method of genealogy:

Compared to the attempt to inscribe knowledges in the power-hierarchy typical of science, genealogy is, then, a sort of attempt to desubjugate historical knowledges, to set them free, or in other words to enable them to oppose and struggle against the coercion of a unitary, formal, and scientific theoretical discourse. The project of these disorderly and tattered genealogies is to reactivate local knowledges…against the scientific hierarchicalisation of knowledge and its intrinsic power-effects. (p. 11) (Danaher, Cook, Danaher, Coombes, & Danaher, 2013, pp. 106-107; emphasis added)

As an investigative method, genealogical analysis provides scholars with the means to make past constructions become visible in the present, and in so doing, making change possible.

This proposed edited scholarly book takes up the proposition of Danaher et al. (2013) of bringing subjugated knowledges to light, which has taken seriously Foucault’s (2003) call “…to reactivate local knowledges…” (p. 11) so that rather than being “disqualified as nonconceptual…naïve…hierarchically inferior…[or] below the required level of erudition or scientificity” (p. 7), they can be mined for their evolutionary power. Thus, it is vital to consider not only the process of privileging certain knowledges but also consider their evolutionary power (i.e., consider the evolutionary process, how knowledges emerge, continue and discontinue).

Foucault’s thinking continues to hold extraordinary relevance as it illuminates the power of subjugated knowledges to continually challenge dominant discourses and to evolve public consciousness to new levels of knowledge and complexity. The editors see this proposition and this project of bringing subjugated knowledges to the light as key elements of a broader enterprise of reimagining more empowering and just educational and sociocultural futures – in this case, by rediscovering and recovering, affirming and valuing multiple forms of subjugated knowledges as part of public education.

The editors are interested in attracting to this proposed volume engaged and scholarly accounts of a large number and a wide range of diverse subjugated knowledges. Without wishing to pre-empt which forms of subjugated knowledges might be included, we list the following by way of possible examples of such knowledges:

  *   Age-related knowledges (such as that of children and older people)
  *   Curriculum areas considered to be non-mainstream
  *   Devalued knowledges in institutional and professional settings
  *   Devalued forms of educational provision
  *   Environmental consciousness
  *   Gendered ways of knowing
  *   Indigenous/First Nations knowledges of various kinds
  *   Homeopathy and other forms of healing knowledges
  *   Knowledges developed by ethnic minorities
  *   Knowledges related to LGBTIQA+ communities
  *   Knowledges related to particular religious and spiritual communities
  *   Learning approaches and styles identified as being non-mainstream
  *   Legal knowledges held by particular groups
  *   Linguistic knowledges beyond the monolingualism of the majority
  *   Mobile communities’ cultural practices
  *   Non-metropolitan knowledges in regional, rural and remote locations
  *   Other forms of knowing that can be analysed as particular kinds of “subjugated knowledges”.
In addition to attracting multiple analyses of diverse kinds of subjugated knowledges, the editors of this proposed volume are interested also in taking these analyses further by inviting consideration of what can and is being learned – by people/s whose knowledges have been subjugated. This learning by educators and researchers, by governments and policy-makers, by community leaders and members, and by many other groups and individuals – about the implications of these analyses for generating productive and sustainable change has as its outcome possibilities for reimagining – and where possible for enacting – more equitable and just educational and sociocultural futures.

In pondering the diverse forms that such futures might take, we have access to multiple and highly varied approaches to forecasting different kinds of futures. One such approach was presented by Inayatullah (2008), whose “…theory of futures thinking” was built on “…six pillars of futures studies”: “…mapping, anticipation, timing, deepening, creating alternatives and transforming” (p. 7). We cite Inayatullah as one among many examples of futures theorists whose ideas and methods (Inayatullah, 2013) might help to frame our thinking about the perceived links between specific analyses of certain subjugated knowledges on the one hand and particular representations of reimagined futures on the other hand.

2. The book’s organising questions
The editors request contributing authors to ensure that their respective chapters help to address at least one of the book’s key organising questions:

  1.  What are subjugated knowledges, how is their subjugation created and sustained, and what are the affects and effects of that subjugation?
  2.  How/Where are subjugated knowledges making inroads that reveal their realisation of self-value/empowerment and their capacity to be creative forces of positive evolutionary change?
  3.  Which theoretical, methodological and practical resources are helpful in conducting and publishing research about subjugated knowledges?
  4.  Which strategies are effective, by custodians of subjugated knowledges and by those who work with and support them, in rediscovering and recovering, affirming and valuing multiple forms of subjugated knowledges?
  5.  How can these resources and strategies contribute to a reimagining of educational and sociocultural futures?
  6.  What is the character of those reimagined futures based on the chapter’s respective analysis of one or more subjugated knowledge/s and of its/their insurrection?
  7.  What are the implications of each chapter’s analysis for interrogating the continued relevance and utility of the concept of subjugated knowledges?
3. Call for chapter abstracts and timelines
As the authors are presently engaged in the process of enacting a contract with a reputable publisher, we are requesting an expression of interest to publish from prospective authors (possible title only) by November 1, 2020 followed by chapter abstracts (225 to 250 words) engaging with the publication’s proposed title and rationale, and as many as possible of the key organising questions, to any of the editors by 1 December, 2020, as follows:

  *   Professor Patrick Danaher (email: Patrick.Danaher at usq.edu.au<mailto:Patrick.Danaher at usq.edu.au>)
  *   Dr Cecily Jensen-Clayton (email: Cecily.Jensen-Clayton at usq.edu.au<mailto:Cecily.Jensen-Clayton at usq.edu.au>)
  *   Dr Rena MacLeod (email: Rena.MacLeod at usq.edu.au)
  *   Dr Annette Brömdal (email: Annette.Bromdal at usq.edu.au<mailto:Annette.Bromdal at usq.edu.au>).

Expression of interest to publish (English title only):                          November 1, 2020
Deadline for submitting 225-250-word (in English) abstracts:        December 1, 2020
Invitations for contributions will be made:                                         December 20, 2020
Deadline for chapter submission:                                                          July 1, 2021

Danaher, M. J. M., Cook, J. R., Danaher, G. R., Coombes, P. N., & Danaher, P. A. (2013). Researching education with marginalized communities. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Foucault, M. (2003). Society must be defended: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-6 (trans. by D. Macey). London, UK: Penguin Books.
Inayatullah, S. (2008). Six pillars: Futures thinking for transforming. Foresight, 10(1), 4-21. doi:10.1108/14636680810855991<https://doi.org/10.1108/14636680810855991>
Inayatullah, S. (2013). Futures studies: Theories and methods. There's a future: Visions for a Better World. BBVA: 36-66.

Dr. Annette Brömdal (PhD)
Pronouns: Netta, they, them, their, she, her, hers

Senior Lecturer (Sport, Health and Physical Education)
Academic Team Leader: Inclusive Education and Social Justice
Program Director - Master of Education
School of Education
Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts

Centre for Health Research,
Institute for Resilient Regions

University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba Campus
West Street
Toowoomba, QLD 4350

Office: G307
Phone: + 61 7 4631 1609
E-mail: annette.bromdal at usq.edu.au<mailto:annette.bromdal at usq.edu.au>
Staff profile: http://staffprofile.usq.edu.au/Profile/Annette-Bromdal
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1307-1794

International Sociological Associations’ 2022 Local Organising Committee Member responsible for the 2022 World Congress of Sociology’s Inclusion & Equity Portfolio <http://www.aare.edu.au/pages/gender-sexualities-cultural-studies.html>

Brömdal, A., Olive, R., & Walker, B. (In Press). Questioning Representations of Athletes with Elevated Testosterone Levels in Elite Women’s Sports: A Critical Policy Analysis. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics.

Phillips, T., Brömdal, A., Mullens, A., Gildersleeve, J., & Gow, J. (2020). "We don't recognise transexuals...and we're not going to treat you": Cruel and Unusual and the Lived Experiences of Transgender Women in US Prisons.<https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030360580> In M. K., Harmes, M. A., Harmes & B. Harmes (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Incarceration across Popular Culture (pp. 331-360). London: Palgrave Macmillan. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-36059-7.

Coll, L., van Leent, L. & Brömdal. A. (2019). Memoirs and manifestos for early career researchers in gender and sexuality studies in education.<https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335412043_Memoirs_Manifestos_for_Early_Career_Reserachers_in_Gender_Sexuality_Education_Research> In Jones, T., Coll, L., van Leent, L. & Taylor, Y., (Eds). Uplifting Careers in Gender & Sexuality in Education (pp. 279-302). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24205-3.

Brömdal, A., Clark, K., Hughto, J. W., Debattista, J., Phillips, T., Mullens, A., Gow, J., & Daken, K. (2019). Whole-incarceration-setting approaches to supporting and upholding the rights and health of incarcerated transgender people.<https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335215360_Whole-incarceration-setting_approaches_to_supporting_and_upholding_the_rights_and_health_of_incarcerated_transgender_people> The International Journal of Transgenderism. 20(4): 341-350. DOI:10.1080/15532739.2019.1651684.

Brömdal, A., Mullens, A., Phillips, T., & Gow, J. (2019) Experiences of Transgender Prisoners and their Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Sexual Behaviours and HIV/STIs: A Systematic Review.<https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15532739.2018.1538838> International Journal of Transgenderism. 20(1), 4-20. DOI:10.1080/15532739.2018.1538838.



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