[csaa-forum] IASH Interview with Graeme Turner
Elizabeth Stephens
e.stephens at uq.edu.au
Wed May 13 13:08:29 ACST 2020
Dear colleagues,
We were disappointed to cancel our scheduled public lecture by Emeritus Professor Graeme Turner here at the University of Queensland last month. However, as a silver lining we are delighted to share more widely this substitute: an interview with Graeme by Adrian Athique, recently conducted in the currently virtual offices of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities.
The interview focuses on Graeme's new collection, Essays in Media and Cultural Studies: In transition. This wide-ranging interview deals not only with the book, but with the state of cultural and media studies in Australia more broadly, including the condition of higher education.
The link for the interview can be found here: https://iash.uq.edu.au/article/2020/04/media-and-cultural-studies-transition-interview-graeme-turner
The link for the book itself is here:
Congratulations to Graeme on the publication of this important new book!
With best wishes,
Elizabeth Stephens
ARC Future Fellow/Associate Professor of Cultural Studies
President, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
University of Queensland Australia 4072
T: + 61 7 3365 7183 E: e.stephens at uq.edu.au W: http://uq.academia.edu/ElizabethStephens<https://exchange.uq.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=c9c1382619904792917762425ca21fe4&URL=http%3a%2f%2fuq.academia.edu%2fElizabethStephens>
UQ ALLY: Supporting the diversity of sexuality and gender at UQ<https://staff.uq.edu.au/information-and-services/human-resources/diversity/sexuality/ally-network>.
New book: Normality: A Critical Genealogy
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