[csaa-forum] Call for applications for the Urban Communication Research Grant 2019
nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
Sat Jan 12 00:56:42 ACST 2019
((apologies for cross-posting))
Urban Communication Research Grant 2019
Applications are now being received for the 2019 IAMCR Urban
Communication Research Grant. The grant is worth USD 1,750 and supports
communication and media research that advances understanding of the
growing complexity of the urban environment.
Hosted by the International Association for Media and Communication
Research and funded by the Urban Communication Foundation, this grant
supports communication and media research that advances our
understanding of the growing complexity of the urban environment. It is
predicated on the assumption that communication scholars have a valuable
contribution to make to an understanding of the urban landscape. The
grant is open to all IAMCR members in good standing.
The USD 1,750 grant is designed to support research already in progress
or in the beginning stages. It gives priority to projects that feature
innovative, inter-disciplinary, applied, and creative approaches to
studying the central role of communication in the transformation of
urban cultures and communities.
A 6-person committee consisting of five IAMCR members and two Urban
Communication Foundation representatives will judge the proposals. IAMCR
representatives in the committee are Nico Carpentier (Chair), Cees
Hamelink, Janet Wasko and Olesya Venger. Urban Communication Foundation
representatives are Gary Gumpert and Susan Drucker.
The grant is awarded each year at the annual IAMCR Conference, this year
scheduled for Madrid, Spain from July 7-11, 2019. Grant winners are
expected to attend the conference and present a paper related to urban
communication. They must also report to IAMCR and the UCF on the
progress of their research at the following year's conference, and
submit a paper for this conference.
Application Procedure
Submit the application electronically to UrbanCommunication2019 at iamcr.org.
Applications will be accepted until April 7, 2019.
The complete application must include:
-A letter of application, not exceeding two pages, that describes the
proposed research or research already in progress, the significance of
the work to urban communication, and the methodology to be employed. A
description of any special funding needs is also welcome (e.g. travel,
research assistants, technical support).
-A current CV
-A sample of applicant's work relevant to the proposed research
NOTE: Your email application must have "Urban Communication" in the
subject line
The grant winner will be announced by May 1, 2019.
Professor Nico Carpentier
Web: http://nicocarpentier.net/
Experiments in the performance of participation and democracy
Download at: http://nicocarpentier.net/respublika/
Coming soon:
Collected Works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group
Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, 753 13 Uppsala, Sweden
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Free University of Brussels
& Charles University in Prague
The Commlist
International Association for Media and Communication Research
Participatory Communication Research Section
Researching and Teaching Communication Book Series
E-mail (UUppsala): nico.carpentier at im.uu.se
E-mail (VUBrussels): nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
T (UUppsala): +46 (0)18 471 6341
Room (UUppsala): Ekonomikum building E329
Web: http://nicocarpentier.net/
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