[csaa-forum] cfp - International Conference on Journalism, PR and Media Trends / 19 April 2019 / Moscow
nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
Sat Jan 12 00:53:29 ACST 2019
((apologies for cross-posting))
International Conference on Journalism, PR and Media Trends
Media and communication
Date: 19 April 2019
Venue: RUDN University, Moscow (Russia)
The Mass Communication Department of the Philological faculty of the
RUDN University is pleased to invite you to attend the International
Conference on Modern Media and PR trends, which will be held in Moscow,
Russia, on April, 19th in 2019.
For the last few years, due to the increases in active information and
communication technologies adoption, mass media activities have
considerably changed in their organization and nature. Digitalization
processes have marked the beginning of a new era of mass media and
communication development. The approaches to creating, disseminating and
analyzing media texts have changed significantly.
The emergence and consolidation of digital media, the creation of
convergent editorial offices and newsrooms, the application of new
multimedia technologies have caused the journalist role to change. This
rapid transformation of the communication landscape, the interlacing
online and offline communications, media convergence, the birth of new
formats and the growth of number of concepts make it necessary to
consider and reconsider our scientific terminologies.
Goals of the conference:
•to identify and systematize the current changes in the field of media
and communication and to discuss different aspects of teaching
journalism and public relations in a modern media landscape;
•to provide scholars, educators and practitioners from different
cultural communities with opportunities to interact, network and benefit
from each other’s research and expertise related to communication
issues, intersecting with different cultural spheres and national
•to synthesize research perspectives and foster interdisciplinary
scholarly dialogues for developing integrated approaches to complex
problems of media and communications across the world.
The conference aims to produce a discussion platform, bringing together
researchers, practitioners and educators from different areas –
journalism and media, linguistics and discourse studies, public
relations, marketing, psychology, international relations, political
studies, cultural studies, sociology, etc. – to exchange and share their
experiences and research results.
1. Communication Theory and Methodology: communication and media
theories, approaches to media research, modernizing the methods of media
research, qualitative and quantitative methods of media research;
discourse analysis: theory and practice; research techniques for the
media industry.
2. Public Relations and Organizational Communication: old and new tools
for integrated marketing and PR communication, strategic approaches
utilizing content marketing, big data & measurement of strategies,
reputation & crisis management, organizational communication, political
communications, public diplomacy, image of the country, the impact of
the internet on public relations, brand journalism, corporate PR,
advertising and marketing across cultures.
3. Audience Studies and Participatory Communication: audience uses and
gratifications, media reception, audience activism, audience activity
and passivity, participatory culture, participatory communication and
development, media and political participation, alternative and
community media.
4. Media Linguistics: concepts, categories and methods of analysis,
media texts genres, art of persuasion, discourse analysis, Internet
linguistics, media’s visual language, typology of media speech, media
5. Media Education and Media Literacy: new technologies and modern
approaches in teaching journalism and PR, the gap between academic
knowledge and demands of job market, Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCS), e-learning, gaining additional professional qualifications,
media effects, digital media literacy education, fake news,
fact-checking, civic media work, critical thinking, visual literacy,
informal media literacy.
6. Media Ethics: ethics of persuasive communication, ethics of
traditional and digital media, journalistic ethics, privacy in the
electronic global metropolis, copyright and distribution via digital media.
7. Informational Warfare and Propaganda: as the world becomes more and
more polarized, politically and geopolitically, propaganda and
information warfare has gained a prominent place in shaping the opinions
and perceptions of global audiences. It has the effect of creating an
emotional and yet simplistic world of good versus bad with opposing sets
of values and realities. The current context has both similarities and
differences with historical examples, and not all contemporary actors
communicate identically as there are some specificities discernable in
these information and influence campaigns. Persuasion, influence,
deception, public manipulation, perception, cognitive sphere, physical
sphere, Information sphere and intangible elements.
8. Multimedia Journalism and Modern Technologies: multimedia and
transmedia storytelling, classification of digital news packages, data
visualization, gamification of journalism, Augmented Reality (AR) and
Virtual Reality (VR), production of VR content, immersive video
storytelling, mobile journalism, news consumption habits.
9. Interpersonal and Cross-cultural Communication: cross-cultural
interaction, digital communication across cultures, glocalization,
intercultural communication and politics, intercultural and multilingual
education, interpersonal communication and relations, language and
cultural hybridity, psychological communication studies,
transculturality in global context, conflict, mediation and negotiation
across cultures, corporate culture and management.
Organizing Committee:
Victor V. Barabash
Doctor of Philology, Head of Mass Communication Department, Dean,
Faculty of Philology, RUDN University (Russia)
Gregory Simons
Docent in Political Science, Researcher, Institute for Russian and
Eurasian studies, Uppsala University (Sweden) & Docent at the Department
of Communication Sciences at Turiba University (Riga, Latvia).
Nico Carpentier
Docent, Department of Media, Charles University in Prague (Czech
Republic) & Uppsala University (Sweden) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Natalia V. Poplavskaya
PhD in Philology, Head of MA programme “Applied International
Journalism”, Deputy Dean for International Relations, Faculty of
Philology, RUDN University (Russia)
Tatyana G. Dobrosklonskaya
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Moscow State University of Russia (Russia)
Participation formats:
•Paper presentation
•Participation without paper presentation
Who should attend?
•PR and marketing practitioners
•Technologists and Scientists
•Professionals from the private and public sector
Paper Proposal Submission Guidelines:
Abstract length: 300 words
Font Times New Roman, Font size – 12, interval – 1.0;
Top 6.1cm. Bottom 6.5cm. Left 4.9 cm. Right 4.9 cm.
Distance from the footer – 5,8 cm, from header – 5,7 cm;
Title of the abstract in capital letter, bold font & to be placed at centre;
In the next line – Name of author (authors), bold font and to be placed
at the right side;
In the next line – university name, position, bold and to be placed at
the right side;
In the next line there will be the text with justify format;
Don’t use hyper link in your text; in such case put number in the text
which will be used circle mark and later put those serial number in your
List of resources in bibliography will not be more than 10.
Important dates:
•Abstract Submission Opens: January,15th, 2019
•Abstract Submission Deadline: February 15th, 2019
•Registration deadline for participants: April, 1st, 2019
•Conference Dates: Moscow (Russia), April 19th, 2019
Visa support:
RUDN University may provide invitations for visa support for the foreign
participants on their request. Please, contact us via email
mediaconf.rudn at gmail.com and fill in the migration form (will be sent
on request).
Deadline for citizens of the majority of EU countries, China and India:
Deadline for citizens of other countries: March, 3rd .
The official webpage of the conference:
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