[csaa-forum] Upcoming Seminar at UNSW - 'Communication in and around organizations: an institutional perspective', Renate Meyer
Collin Chua
c.chua at unsw.edu.au
Mon Sep 25 10:52:28 ACST 2017
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Communication in and around organisations: an institutional perspective
When Tuesday 3 October, 5pm - 6.30pm
Where Cinema 327, Robert Webster Building, UNSW Sydney
It is generally acknowledged in organizational institutionalism that communication and language play a central role both within organizations and in their broader relevant environment. Phenomenological approaches to institutions even suggest that communication is constitutive of organizations. Consequently, organizations, their identities, boundaries, and legitimacy, as well as changing management fashions about ‘modern’ organizational forms and practices, are constantly constructed, negotiated, and transformed through communication with multiple audiences in varying communication arenas. Such vital role of communication in and around organizations does not only pose many relevant conceptual questions, but entails considerable methodological challenges for organization research. Both aspects highlight the potential of drawing on insights from linguistics and discourse studies. I will discuss these developments and provide examples from recent studies as illustration. I will explicitly point to research investigating the structural aspects of organizational discourse, and to the need to include modes of communication that go beyond verbal text, such as images, video, and music, as well as their interactions, in the social construction of organizational meaning.
Renate E. Meyer is the Chair of Organization Studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. She is also a Permanent Visiting Professor at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, and Co-Director of the Research Institute for Urban Management & Governance at WU. She focuses on meaning structures and has recently studied structural forms of institutional pluralism, institutions as multimodal accomplishments, novel organizational forms and patterns of management ideas, mostly in areas of urban governance challenges. Renate works with mixed empirical methods such as correspondence analysis or semantic network analysis. She is a Senior Editor for Organization Studies and has published in journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Organization Studies, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Organization, or Public Administration, and has also (co-)authored several books and book chapters.
Enquiries contact: SAM Seminar Convenor, Collin Chua – c.chua at unsw.edu.au<mailto:c.chua at unsw.edu.au>
Visit the event page for speaker biographies and more information.
Bookings not required.<https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/events/sam-seminar-communication-in-and-around-organizations-an-institutional-perspective/?mc_cid=f7761052e3&mc_eid=[UNIQID]>
Finding us
Robert Webster Building is located mid-way off the UNSW main walkway. Map Reference G14. Cinema 327 is located on the third floor. More information on getting to UNSW.<http://www.facilities.unsw.edu.au/getting-uni?mc_cid=f7761052e3&mc_eid=[UNIQID]>
Visit the School of the Arts and Media website.<https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/?mc_cid=f7761052e3&mc_eid=[UNIQID]>
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