[csaa-forum] open access to "Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement" SuSo book
nico carpentier
nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
Fri Jul 14 08:14:45 ACST 2017
We're pleased to announce that the new book of the European Media and
Communication Doctoral Summer School can now be downloaded for free at
the Researching and Teaching Communication Book Series Website:
The direct link to the full book (in pdf) is:
The flyer introducing the book can be downloaded here:
The separate chapters can be accessed here:
For more information, see also:
The volume is entitled "Present Scenarios of Media Production and
Engagement" (Bremen: edition lumière). It is edited by Simone Tosoni,
Nico Carpentier, Maria Francesca Murru, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp,
Risto Kunelius, Anthony McNicholas, Tobias Olsson and Pille
Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt. The book has 300 pages.
Print versions are still available - they cost 19,80 euro plus shipping.
A print version can be ordered directly from the publisher, edition
lumière, by sending an email to: edition.lumiere at arcormail.de.
The main focus of “Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement”
is dedicated to the fundamental question: How do production,
communication and usage practices change in the present media
environment? This volume consists of the intellectual work of the 2016
European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School, organized in
cooperation with the European Communication Research and Education
Association (ECREA) at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan,
Italy. The chapters cover relevant research topics, structured into four
sections: “Scenarios of Convergence and Transmedia Communication”,
“Strategies and Transformations of Media and Cultural Industries”,
“Politics of Representation in Contemporary Media Discourses”, and
“Researching Media and Communication”.
Below, you'll find the Table of Contents.
Researching Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement
Simone Tosoni, Maria Francesca Murru, Laura Peja and Nico Carpentier
SECTION 1. Scenarios of Convergence and Transmedia Communication
Branding Game of Thrones Across Media: HBO’s Visual Creation of a Brand
Julie Escurignan
Vidding and its Media Territories: A Practice-centred Approach to
User-generated Content Production
Simone Tosoni and Mariana Ciancia
The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age
Sonia Livingstone
Videogames as a Political Medium: The Case of Mass Effect and the
Gendered Gaming Scene of Dissensus
Leandro Augusto Borges Lima
SECTION 2. Strategies and Transformations of Media and Cultural Industries
The Spanish Contribution to the Study of Cultural Industries. The First
Montse Bonet
New Scenarios in News Distribution: The Impact of News Aggregators Like
Google News in The Media Outlets on the Web
Tania Lucía Cobos
“We Need to Keep Moving”: Strategies of News Media to Attract Young
Audiences in Germany
Leif Kramp
Bourdieu in Greenland: Elaborating the Field Dependencies of
Post-colonial Journalism
Naimah Hussain
Section 3. Politics of representation in contemporary media discourses
Humanizing Violent Extremism: Journalistic Reflections on In-depth
Personalized Narratives of Western jihadists
Anna Grøndahl Larsen
“Exotic Brotherhoods” in Serbian Media Discourses: The Caucasus
Justyna Pierzynska
Truce and Consequence. Indexing Theory and COP15 in the Danish Press.
Michael Bruun Andersen
Farewell to a Utopia. Technology Discourse in the German NSA Debate
Johanna Möller
Perceptions of Acceptance and Inclusion: the Influence of Legislation
and Media on LGBT Student Identity and Embeddedness
Scott Ellis
Section 4. Researching Media and Communication
Notes about Common Sense and Academic Knowledge
Bertrand Cabedoche
Translating an Academic Text into Sound Art. An Experiment with a
Communication Studies’ Text on Participation
Yiannis Christidis and Nico Carpentier
Statistical Tales: Bringing in Reflexivity to Make Sense of Quantitative
Yuliya Lakew
Time in Neoliberal Academia – How to Make the Most of It
Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt
Abstracts of doctoral projects discussed at the 2016 European Media
Communication Doctoral Summer School.
Professor Nico Carpentier
Out now:
Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation
Web: http://nicocarpentier.net/
Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, 753 13 Uppsala, Sweden
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Free University of Brussels
& Charles University in Prague
The Commlist
Researching and Teaching Communication Book Series
European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School
International Association for Media and Communication Research
Centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance
E-mail (UUppsala): nico.carpentier at im.uu.se
E-mail (VUBrussels): nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
T (UUppsala): +46 (0)18 471 6341
Room (UUppsala): Ekonomikum building E329
Web: http://nicocarpentier.net/
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