[csaa-forum] special issue just out - 'Normality and Disability: Intersections Among Norms, Law, and Culture'

Gerard Goggin gerard.goggin at sydney.edu.au
Fri Apr 21 14:28:59 ACST 2017

Dear colleagues
This new special issue of the association’s journal might be of interest.

Many thanks to Panizza Allmark, Jess Taylor, and the Continuum team for their efforts on this. 

Very best wishes,

Gerard Goggin, Linda Steele, and Jess Cadwallader

New Special Issue

Normality and Disability: Intersections Among Norms, Law, and Culture

Continuum vol. 31, no. 3
Edited by Prof Gerard Goggin, Dr Linda Steele and Dr Jessica Robyn Cadwallader
Hotly contested, normality remains a powerful, complex category in contemporary law and culture. What is little realized are the ways that disability underpins and shapes the operation of norms and the power dynamics of normalization.
This pioneering collection explores the place of law in political, social, scientific and biomedical developments relating to disability and other categories of ‘abnormality’. The contributors show that/how law produces cultural meanings, norms, representations, artefacts and expressions of disability, abnormality and normality, as well as how law responds to and is constituted by cultures of disability.
The collection traverses a range of contemporary legal and political issues including human rights, mercy killing, reproductive technologies, hate crime, policing, immigration and disability housing. It also explores the impact and ongoing legacies of  historical practices such as eugenics and deinstitutionalisation.
Of interest to a wide range of scholars working on normality and law, the special issue also creates an opening for critical scholars and activists engaged with other marginalized and denigrated categories, notably contesting institutional violence in the context of settler colonialism, neoliberalism and imperialism, to engage more richly and politically with disability.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Normality and disability: intersections among norms, law, and culture
Gerard Goggin, Linda Steele and Jessica Robyn Cadwallader
Fit or fitting in: deciding against normal when reproducing the future
Roxanne Mykitiuk and Isabel Karpin
Eccentricity: the case for undermining legal categories of disability and normalcy
Karen O’Connell
Eugenics and the normal body: the role of visual images and intelligence testing in framing the treatment of people with disabilities in the early twentieth century
Elizabeth Stephens and Peter Cryle
The construction of access: the eugenic precedent of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Stephanie K. Wheeler
Disability and torture: exception, epistemology and ‘black sites’
Dinesh Wadiwel
Mental capacity and states of exception: revisiting disability law with Giorgio Agamben
Penelope Weller
Not just language: an analysis of discursive constructions of disability in sentencing remarks
Frankie Sullivan
Policing normalcy: sexual violence against women offenders with disability
Linda Steele
The government is the cause of the disease and we are stuck with the symptoms’: deinstitutionalisation, mental health advocacy and police shootings in 1990s Victoria
Piers Gooding
Disruptive, dangerous and disturbing: the ‘challenge’ of behaviour in the construction of normalcy and vulnerability
Leanne Dowse
Making the abject: problem-solving courts, addiction, mental illness and impairment 
Claire Spivakovsky and Kate Seear
Cripwashing: the abortion debates at the crossroads of gender and disability in the Spanish media
Melania Moscoso and R. Lucas Platero
‘Figurehead’ hate crime cases: developing a framework for understanding and exposing the ‘problem’ with ‘disability’
Ryan Thorneycroft and Nicole L. Asquith

Gerard Goggin
ARC Future Fellow
Professor of Media and Communications
Department of Media and Communications
University of Sydney

e: gerard.goggin at sydney.edu.au
p:  +61 2 9114 1218
m: +61 428 66 88 24
w: http://sydney.edu.au/arts/media_communications/staff/gerard_goggin.shtml 

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