[csaa-forum] CFP: Happiness - A special issue of Writing from Below

Stephen Abblitt stephenabblitt at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 08:25:11 ACST 2017

Call for Papers
A special issue of *Writing from Below*

Emergent research into happiness is still largely situated in fields such as
sociology, psychology, and neuroscience. Traditionally the uncontested domain
of the Humanities, the question of “How should we live?” is too rarely
approached in contemporary literary and cultural studies. Indeed, even in a
thriving field such as affect studies, research still largely focuses on
negative emotions, ugly feelings (Ngai), shame (Probyn), paranoia
(Sedgwick), failure (Halberstam), and the cruelty of optimism (Berlant).
But perhaps the critical tide is turning. Scholars are beginning to
theorise the end of our well-rehearsed “hermeneutics of suspicion,”
and conjecturing
what comes after (Felski). They are mapping the potential path for a
“eudaimonic criticism” (Pawelski & Moore) and an “ethics of hope” (Braidotti),
looking towards a more positive future (Muñoz). Critical and historical
studies on empathy (Meghan; Keen), joy (Potkay) and happiness itself
(Ahmed) are also emerging.

Inspired by the growing body of scholarship on optimistic representations of
gender, sexuality, and queerness, *Writing from Below* enters the fray with
this invitation to explore and interrogate positive, affirmative,
successful, fulfilling, and life-affirming expressions of gender and
sexuality in contemporary or historical art, literature, culture, and

For the full call-for-papers, and to submit your work, visit our website:

The deadline for submissions is *29 May 2017*.

For more information, please contact our guest editor, Dr Juliane Roemhild:
J.Roemhild at latrobe.edu.au

*Dr Stephen Abblitt*
Managing Editor
*Writing from Below*
La Trobe University, Victoria, 3086

An online, open-access, peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary,
inter-media gender, sexuality and diversity studies journal

*ISSN* 2202-2546
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