[csaa-forum] FINAL REMINDER: CFP Symposium of Australian Gastronomy - 2-6 December 2016, Melbourne Australia

Jacqueline Dutton jld at unimelb.edu.au
Tue May 10 16:10:05 ACST 2016

Dear fellow gastronomes, food scholars and utopians,

The 21st Symposium of Australian Gastronomy will be celebrated in Melbourne, Australia, from Friday 2 to Tuesday 6 December 2016. With our guiding theme of ‘Utopian Appetites’, we are looking with hope towards bright food futures.

The year 2016 marks five centuries since the publication of Thomas More’s Utopia (1516). With its founding principles of desire, order, justice and hope, utopia represents a framework to think about gastronomy as both an imaginary ideal and a realisable goal for the future. The utopian theme encourages us to envisage the gastronomic project of eating well, bridging disciplinary boundaries, encompassing different spaces, practices, cultures and times.

We invite proposals from academics and independent scholars, artists and activists, cooks and chefs, journalists and writers, food producers and artisans in the form of panel discussions, presentations, literary reflections, manifestos, performances and interactive experiments relating to utopia and gastronomy. Please send enquiries and proposals 350 words or less along with a 100-word biography of the presenter/s before 15 May 2016 to the symposium committee.

For additional information, go to: http://www.gastronomers.net/the-21st-symposium-of-australian-gastronomy/the-21st-symposium-of-australian-gastronomy-call-for-papers-2/<redir.aspx?REF=AvOOMy0wUx6HlHx8zWJx74nYBCGcfiKg-RYDk6E7D8iTv-6VnXjTCAFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmdhc3Ryb25vbWVycy5uZXQvdGhlLTIxc3Qtc3ltcG9zaXVtLW9mLWF1c3RyYWxpYW4tZ2FzdHJvbm9teS90aGUtMjFzdC1zeW1wb3NpdW0tb2YtYXVzdHJhbGlhbi1nYXN0cm9ub215LWNhbGwtZm9yLXBhcGVycy0yLw..>

Registration is not yet open, but please register your interest or make inquiries at: kellyd at angliss.edu.au<redir.aspx?REF=ko0kVHJKaLG-bf5hAExrhd5DUR3FZ4Mh-oTCvwi77jaTv-6VnXjTCAFtYWlsdG86a2VsbHlkQGFuZ2xpc3MuZWR1LmF1>. You are welcome to post ideas for panels and topic streams on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653092668277952/?fref=ts<redir.aspx?REF=qdgcoTaBcKseADx_dYpCqDwW7q2LI0NzZHIQFp_i0OuTv-6VnXjTCAFodHRwczovL3d3dy5mYWNlYm9vay5jb20vZ3JvdXBzLzE2NTMwOTI2NjgyNzc5NTIvP2ZyZWY9dHM.>

This symposium is a collaboration between William Angliss Institute, the University of Melbourne, Sustain: the Australian Food Network.

Please feel free to circulate widely.

Associate Professor Jacqueline Dutton (French Studies)
School of Languages & Linguistics
University of Melbourne
Convenor, Travel Research Network
Director, Australian Festival of Travel Writing

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