[csaa-forum] Seminar at UNSW, 3 Nov: 'Beyond Empathy', Fiona Nicoll, Sukhmani Khorana, Tanja Dreher

Collin Chua c.chua at unsw.edu.au
Mon Oct 26 08:10:57 ACST 2015

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[SAM Seminars 2015] <https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/events/featured/sam-seminars/>

[SAM Seminar] <https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/events/featured/sam-seminars/>

Beyond Empathy
A Roundtable Discussion

Tue 3 November, 5 - 6.30pm
Robert Webster Building, Room 327

More information<https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/events/sam-seminar-beyond-emapthy/>  |  This is a FREE event


1. ‘What's this then s---?’:
Reflections on empathy, ethics and comedy in three Indigenous television productions.

Discussion of three Aboriginal media projects: the iconic Barbecuarea and the recent productions First Contact and Black Comedy, in terms of how they address audiences through greater or lesser appeals to the value of empathy.

Fiona Nicoll is Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland. She was the project manager of 'Courting Blakness', a public art installation and national symposium curated by Fiona Foley with eight Aboriginal artists at the University of Queensland, which established a dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff, students and members of the public on grounds other than empathy.


2. Does Empathy Assimilate the Other?:
Refugee-Themed Screen Texts and Ethical Witnessing.

This talk will consider a few recent Australian screen representations of asylum seeker stories to consider the evocation of empathy. An alternative notion of ‘ethical witnessing’ will be introduced to gesture towards more dialogic forms of engagement.

Sukhmani Khorana is Lecturer in Media and Communication at the University of Wollongong. Her current work considers the ethics of representation and engagement in mainstream screen media and migrant media, as well as in urban spaces such as film festivals.


3. Listening beyond empathy

Listening is often considered to be a therapeutic or empathetic response to marginalized voices and/or untold stories. In this paper I argue for a more agonistic politics of listening in the context of increased opportunities for voice provided by the growing sector of community and alternative media, and the transformations of the media landscape brought about by digital media.

Tanja Dreher is an ARC Future Fellow in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at the University of Wollongong. Tanja’s research focuses on the politics and ethics of listening in diverse contexts, including Indigenous sovereignties, media and multiculturalism, and climate justice.

S<https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/events/sam-seminar-the-idea-of-a-public-university-system/>AM Seminar Series 2015<https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/events/featured/sam-seminars/>  |  Convenor, Collin Chua – c.chua at unsw.edu.au<mailto:c.chua at unsw.edu.au>

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