[csaa-forum] Perfect Beat journal - call for submissions
Shelley BRUNT
shelley.brunt at rmit.edu.au
Tue Sep 15 13:12:50 ACST 2015
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the first issue of the newly rebranded
journal *Perfect
Beat: The Asia-Pacific of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular
Culture*. The journal has a new focus on research in the Asia-Pacific
region, and a fresh editorial team. We welcome you to look through this
issue (see below). Articles are restricted to subscription only status, but
reviews are open access. Your institutional library should have have links
to *Perfect Beat* via EBSCO, ProQuest and other databases.
*Perfect Beat* now invites submissions to the journal, and we anticipate a
timely turnaround for publication.
We have a strong interest in articles about contemporary/popular
music. Articles
should be around 8,000 words and focus on music in, about, from and between
the Asia-Pacific region (Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, the Pacific
Islands, all Asian countries, and/or more). Our 'RIFF' section of the
journal offers a unique space for other kinds of scholarship, such as Q&A
interviews with key performers, and more. Please discuss your ideas in
advance with the editor. We also have a lively reviews section with reviews
of relevant books, online material, etc.
Interested authors should, in the first instance, consult the submissions
page: http://www.equinoxpub.com/journals/index.php/PB/about/submissions
best wishes,
Mark Evans, executive editor
Shelley Brunt, editor
Oli Wilson, assistant editor
Catherine Strong, reviews editor
*Perfect Beat* 15.2 table of contentsView this email in your browser
*Perfect Beat*
*Issue 15.2 (2014) table of contents*
*Introduction- open access*
‘Lookin, searchin, seekin, findin’: A new beat
Shelley Brunt, Oli Wilson and Catherine Strong
PB 15.2 (2014) pp105–111 issn 1836-0343
Sounding the aquapelago: The cultural-environmental context of ni-Vanuatu
women’s liquid percussion performance
Philip Hayward
PB 15.2 (2014) pp 113–127 issn 1836-0343
No Fixed Address, but currently in East Berlin: The Australian
bicentennial, Indigenous protest and the Festival of Political Song in 1988
Andrew Wright Hurley
PB 15.2 (2014) pp 129–148 issn 1836-0343
All the girls in town: The missing women of Australian rock, cultural
memory and coverage of the death of Chrissy Amphlett
Catherine Strong
PB 15.2 (2014) pp 149–166 issn 1836-0343
*Riff article*
An interview with Tiki Taane: Expressing cultural heritage and identity
through music
Oli Wilson
PB 15.2 (2014) pp 167–174 issn 1836-0343
*Book Reviews- open access*
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers: British Jazz, 1960–1975 by
Duncan Heining
Reviewed by Norman Meehan
PB 15.2 (2014) pp 175–176 issn 1836-0343
James Brown by John Scannell
Reviewed by Anne Danielsen
PB 15.2 (2014) pp 177–179 issn 1836-0343
Steady Steady: The Life and Music of Seaman Dan by Henry ‘Seaman’ Dan and
Karl Neuenfeldt
Reviewed by Bruce Johnson
PB 15.2 (2014) pp 180–181 issn 1836-0343
*Executive Editor*
Mark Evans <+mark.evans at uts.edu.au>, University of Technology Sydney,
Shelley Brunt <+shelley.brunt at rmit.edu.au>, RMIT University, Australia
*Assistant Editor*
Oli Wilson
Otago University, New Zealand
*Review Editor*
Catherine Strong
RMIT University, Australia
*Perfect Beat*
ISSN: 1836-0343*Copyright © 2015 Equinox Publishing, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving this email because you registered on the Equinox
publishing website or are an contributor to our journals and books.
*Our mailing address is:*
Equinox Publishing
Office 415, The Workstation
15 Paternoster Row
Sheffield, England S1 2BX
United Kingdom
Add us to your address book
*Dr Shelley Brunt*
Senior Lecturer in Music and Media | RMIT University
Incoming Editor 2015 | *Perfect Beat *
'Emergent Media Practices' Node Leader | Digital Ethnography Research
Centre <http://www.digital-ethnography.net/>
Mail: School of Media and Communication, RMIT University,
GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, VIC, 3001 AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 3 9925 3789 | Fax: +61 3 9925 3809 | CIRCOS provider code: 00122A
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