[csaa-forum] AFSEH Brisbane, August 30: Final call for speakers
Elizabeth Stephens
e.stephens at uq.edu.au
Fri Jul 12 12:55:39 CST 2013
This is a final call for provoacteurs for this event. If you would like to participate, please register your interest by emailing the organisers at afsehbrisbane at gmail.com<mailto:afsehbrisbane at gmail.com> by Wednesday July 17.
Australia Forum on Sexuality, Education and Health
3rd National Meeting
Following on from of the 1st and 2nd meetings of the Australia Forum on Sexuality, Education and Health held in Melbourne (Nov 2012) and Sydney (April 2013) respectively, we invite you to join us for the 3rd meeting, to be held in Brisbane on Friday 30th August 2013.
Time: 1.00pm - 5.00pm (afternoon tea provided)
Venue: Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University, 140 Grey Street<https://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=Queensland+Conservatorium+Griffith+University&hl=en&ll=-27.475246,153.019896&spn=0.011708,0.022295&cid=156491239101059084&gl=AU&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A>, South Bank, level 3, boardroom (S01<http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/266880/south-bank-campus-gerneral-site.pdf>, 3.46).
RSVP as SPACE IS LIMITED! To participate (see below) please email afsehbrisbane at gmail.com<mailto:afsehbrisbane at gmail.com>
At the conclusion of the meeting, please join us for drinks and/or dinner at a local bar and restaurant (TBA when we have an indication of numbers). While afternoon tea will be provided for free, drinks and/or dinner will be at participants' own expense. When you RSVP please indicate if you are intending to join us for dinner. That way we can make a booking so that we can assure our group will be accommodated, as Friday evenings are usually very busy at South Bank.
The Australia Forum on Sexuality, Education and Health aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, community leaders and policy makers from across the fields of sexuality, education and health. The goal is to discuss and debate contemporary issues and concerns, build and consolidate networks, and develop joint projects and initiatives together.
Launched in discussion with a range of people across Australia, the Forum is led by Professor Peter Aggleton (National Centre in HIV Social Research, UNSW), who facilitated a similar Forum in London. Since its inception, there has been significant interest and enthusiasm in the Australia Forum and the Brisbane meeting will contribute to this, growing its network of participants by connecting people locally and nationally.
The 3rd meeting aims to inspire lively debate around the theme of making, performing, learning and studying sexualities in the margins of society. Seeking a broad range of participants across academia, education, health, social services, community arts and advocacy, we see this Forum as a unique opportunity for cross-disciplinary and cross-sector discussions around stigmatised identities, marginalised sexualities and the forms of affective culture that reflect and/or resist marginalisation.
There are two ways you can participate in the Forum: as an attendee or as a provocateur/speaker.
All participants are required to register via email and include their full name, institutional or community affiliations. If you wish to register as a provocateur, please also include a short statement (in one or two sentences) of your provocation. Provocations are NOT intended to be 'formal' presentations, but rather a 10-minute talking point that situates your specific interest in the broader context of the Forum and will help us to identify potentials for collaboration, future directions and outcomes.
While we welcome provocations on any topic that relates to our theme, we are particularly keen to encourage discussion on the following topics:
* Sex work and sex industries;
* Sex and disability / differently abled sexualities;
* Sex at the limits of a life-course (youth and sexualities / seniors and sexualities); and
* Sex in cultural studies and pedagogy.
We envisage the format of the afternoon consisting of a series of 'mini sessions' (roughly 60 minutes each) that incorporate three or four 10-minute provocations followed by 20 to 30 minutes of collective discussion and lively debate on each of the above topics.
All attendees are warmly invited to participate in the discussions.
We extend our gratitude to the Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre, Griffith University for hosting the AFSEH Brisbane meeting and acknowledge the collaborative efforts of the Brisbane organising committee: Dr Jodie Taylor (GU), Dr Elizabeth Stephens (UQ) and Dr Angela Dwyer (QUT).
Elizabeth Stephens
ARC Senior Research Fellow
Deputy Director
Centre for the History of European Discourses
University of Queensland Australia 4072
Phone: 61 7 3346 9493
Fax: 61 7 3346 9495
Webpage: http://uq.academia.edu/ElizabethStephens<https://exchange.uq.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://uq.academia.edu/ElizabethStephens>
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