[csaa-forum] Creativity in China - Faculty Research Seminar - May 10

Alan McKee a.mckee at qut.edu.au
Fri May 3 11:47:23 CST 2013

Hello everyone!

Are Chinese people less creative than citizens of the 'free world'? Can Chinese people think creatively? Professor Michael Keane's new book, "Creative Industries in China" explores how Chinese policy makers, artists, designers and media practitioners are changing a widespread perception that China is an uncreative nation. This raises an important issue - creativity varies in different societies at different periods. So what kind of criteria should one use to measure it? And how applicable is this 'gold standard' Western concept of creativity, and creative industries, to the People's Republic of China?

Come along to the Faculty Research Seminar at noon on the 10 May, in room N518, KG, to hear Professor Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, an ARC Future Fellow at UNSW, launch Michael's book.

Subway sandwiches will be provided

Professor Michael Keane is a Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Creative Industries and Innovation, and director of Asian Creative Transformations Tier 4 Research Cluster"



Alan McKee, PhD
Professor, Creative Industries
Queensland University of Technology
Tel: +61 7 3138 8235
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