[csaa-forum] UQ CCCS Public Lecture: 16 May @ 5.30pm Presented by ABC's Media Watch host Mr Jonathan Holmes

Rebecca Ralph r.ralph at uq.edu.au
Wed Apr 24 09:15:05 CST 2013

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Public Lecture Invitation
Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies

[University of Queensland]<http://www.uq.edu.au>

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Jonathan Holmes: 'Quis Custodiet...? Reflections of a     Media Watcher'
The Annual Henry Mayer Lecture, jointly presented with the School of Journalism and Communication
Thursday 16 May 2013, 5:30 - 6:30pm
Auditorium, Level 2, Sir Llew Edwards Building (No 14<http://www.uq.edu.au/maps/index.html?menu=1&id=280>)


Jonathan Holmes will shortly be leaving the chair at Media Watch, which he has occupied for longer than any presenter since Stuart Littlemore (1989-1997). In this lecture, he argues that the program is no longer, as it used to be, the only effective check on the misdeeds of the Australian media. In the face of ferocious media opposition, the Gillard government seems to have backed away from trying to impose tougher regulation on the print and online media. Meanwhile, however, social media and the blogosphere are providing increasingly powerful means through which consumers can hold Australia's mainstream media to account.

Read more<http://cccs.uq.edu.au/holmes-lecture>


[cid:part9.00020907.06020304 at uq.edu.au]BIO

Jonathan Holmes has worked as a television  current affairs producer, reporter, editor and presenter since 1969 in the UK, the USA and Australia. Since February 2008 Jonathan has presented the influential weekly television program Media Watch.
Read more<http://cccs.uq.edu.au/holmes-lecture>

CCCS Public Events

The Centre promotes the dynamic research culture of the Faculty of Arts, as well as foregrounding the work local, national and international scholars by staging public lectures, seminars and symposia throughout the year.

Upcoming Events

Dr Morgan Richards: 'Planet Attenborough: Wildlife Documentary and the Politics of Climate Change' <http://cccs.uq.edu.au/richards-seminar>
Tuesday 30 April, 2:30 - 3:30pm, SS&H Library

Associate Professor Waddick Doyle: 'Berlusconi and Disruption: Theorising the Brand Shift in Politics'<http://cccs.uq.edu.au/doyle-seminar>
Tuesday 7 May, 2:30 - 3:30pm, CCCS Seminar Room

More events ><http://cccs.uq.edu.au/events>

Further Information

RSVP / Enquiries
Rebecca Ralph,
Events Co-ordinator
P: (07) 3346 7407
E: r.ralph at uq.edu.au<mailto:r.ralph at uq.edu.au>

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Top image courtesy of Sam Moody, The Australian.

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