[csaa-forum] Third International Conference on Human Rights Education: Promoting Change in Times of Transition and Crisis”

baden.offord at scu.edu.au baden.offord at scu.edu.au
Tue Jun 26 14:45:09 CST 2012

Invitation to attend the Third International Conference on HRE in Cracow Poland, 6-10 December 2012
I am pleased to inform you that the “Third International Conference on Human Rights Education: Promoting Change in Times of Transition and Crisis”, will be held from 6-10 December at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
This time the conference will focus on both theoretical and practical issues faced by human practitioners in various parts of the world and in particular on the cultural, social and political change, as illustrated by the transition from communism to democracy in Eastern and South-eastern Europe over the last twenty years and current developments in Northern Africa, in the Middle East and Burma. It will provide an opportunity for discussion on the present economic difficulties in the West as well as contemporary topical issues including crisis of multiculturalism, racism and other forms of discrimination or challenges to the universality of human rights.
The Jagiellonian University invitation to attend the conference is attached to this e-mail. The organisers would be glad to answer to any of your queries.
The conference program, a list of invited speakers and registration details can be found on the conference website www.hre2012.uj.edu.pl
We look forward to seeing you in December at the Conference!
With very best regards
Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM FAICD
Convenor of the First IHRE Conference, Sydney 2012
Director, Equity and Diversity University of Western Sydney
President, Australian Council for Human Rights Education
P.S.  My apologies for cross-postings.
Email: s.ozdowski at uws.edu.au
Tel: +61 2 9678 7378
Fax: +61 2 9678 7373
Mob: +61 413 474744
Werrington Campus, Building AK.G.07
PA: Mrs Debbie Mey
Phone: +61 2 9678 7374  Fax +61 2 9678 7373
Email: d.mey at uws.edu.au
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