[csaa-forum] 2 positions available at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, UK

Reena Dobson R.Dobson at uws.edu.au
Mon Mar 5 14:23:15 CST 2012

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies is a new initiative at the University of Warwick. Headed by Professor Celia Lury, it is developing a programme of research, collaboration and public engagement to establish Warwick as a centre of excellence in interdisciplinary methodologies. We are seeking applications for an Assistant Professor and an Associate Professor from candidates in any discipline with expertise in interdisciplinary research methods.

You will carry out research activities, including applying for research grants and organising events, for the Centre, carry out teaching in the area of research methods and interdisciplinary methodology, and contribute to the establishment of a public profile for the Centre, through the development of collaborative spaces for methodological innovation and the hosting of public events.

You will have a PhD, or equivalent, in a relevant discipline and have demonstrable experience of research and teaching. You will have a clear research agenda and associated publications and outputs relevant to the stage of your career.

Informal enquiries: Professor Celia Lury, email: c.lury at warwick.ac.uk<mailto:c.lury at warwick.ac.uk>

For further details see:


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