[csaa-forum] Call for Nominations -- The Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) Board

John Grech john.m.grech at um.edu.mt
Wed Jan 25 19:25:38 CST 2012


sorry folks, my last mail was intended to go to 
Gilbert, and not to the whole list... please 



At 8:01 PM -0600 24/1/12, Gilbert B. Rodman wrote:
>To all ACS members,
>The ACS Bylaws (found at http://cultstud.org/index.php?id=6) call for an
>election of the association's Board every four years, and since the
>current Board began its term in 2008, the time has come to elect a new
>The bylaws state that the Board has one Chair and one Vice-Chair, plus
>regional representatives as follows:
>Africa - 3 (one from Southern Africa)
>Asia - 4 (one from Northeast Asia, one from Southeast Asia, and one from
>South Asia)
>Australia and New Zealand - 2
>Europe - 4 (one from Northern Europe, one from Central and Eastern
>Europe, and one from Western and Southern Europe)
>Latin America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean - 4
>North America and the English- and French-speaking Caribbean - 4
>The bylaws make it necessary to hold the election electronically, so
>that the results of the election can be announced at the Crossroads
>conference in July. The first step in the election process is to find
>good and willing candidates. We therefore ask for nominations now! The
>following current Board members have chosen not to stand for
>re-election, and we would like to publicly thank them here for their
>service to the Association for the past four (or, for those Board
>members marked with an asterisk, eight) years:
>Melissa Gregg (Organizational Secretary, Australia)*
>Handel Kashope Wright (Africa)*
>Yoshitaka Mouri (Asia)
>Ferda Keskin (Asia)
>Ursula Ganz-Blättler (Europe)*
>Anne Scott Sørensen(Europe)*
>Eduardo Restrepo (Latin America)
>Jody Berland (North America)*
>All other current Board members are hereby nominated as candidates to
>the new Board:
>Boulou Ebanda de B'beri (Africa)
>Abdulhamied Alromaithy (Asia)
>Stephen Chan (Asia)
>Roman Horak (Europe)
>Eric Maigret (Europe)
>Chantal Cornut-Gentille D'Arcy (Europe)
>Rosario Radakovich (Latin America)
>Pepi Leistyna (North America)
>Additionally, Gil Rodman (North America) and Sonjah Stanley Niaah (North
>America), who have been serving as Acting Chair and Acting Vice-Chair
>(respectively) of the Board since 2010, have agreed to stand for
>election as Chair and Vice Chair (again, respectively)
>Considering the need to fill all positions, as well as the desire to
>have access to potential substitutes, it is obviously important that
>good representatives are nominated from all regions. We would thus like
>to invite the Association's membership to submit nominations for
>suitable Board members, including the positions of Chair and Vice Chair.
>All nominations must be submitted by 29 Feb 2012 via email to
>info at cultstud.org.
>Each nomination (including those for current Board members standing for
>re-election) must be accompanied by a brief statement (250-500 words)
>presenting the nominee. Self-nominations are permitted. If nominating
>someone other than yourself, please provide contact information for the
>nominee so that we can confirm his or her willingness to be nominated.
>Please do not send any nominations to this listserv. All nominations
>will be announced on the ACS website in March 2012, with full
>information on the voting procedure, and with discussion time before the
>actual voting starts.
>-- The ACS Executive Committee
>discussion list of the cultural studies association of australasia
>change your subscription details at 


"Where good men remain silent, so evil will 
prevail around the world." Ben Freeth

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