[csaa-forum] Nominees for ACS Board, Chair & Exec
Melissa Gregg
melissa.gregg at sydney.edu.au
Tue Aug 23 11:45:24 CST 2011
Dear cultural studies types,
In coming months, the Association for Cultural Studies (ACS - the
organisation that runs Crossroads) will be calling for nominations for a
board election that will take place prior to the general assembly in Paris,
After serving on this board as the Australia/New Zealand representative
since 2004 I will not be seeking reelection.
Our region is represented proportionately like others, and there is now a
vacancy for two representatives from our region. So this is just some
advance notice that the board will soon be seeking formal expressions of
interest and candidate statements from those of you interested in
running. All current ACS members will then be asked to vote.
As part of the election, all executive positions are also up for nomination,
which means that anyone considering running as a regional rep has the
opportunity to run for Chair, Vice Chair, Organisational Secretary, etc.
With this in mind, I am very keen to encourage and invite all scholars in
our region, particularly the established leaders in our field, to consider
offering themselves as candidates.
Please feel free to contact me on any of the means below for further
All the best,
Dr Melissa Gregg
Department of Gender and Cultural Studies
Quadrangle Building A14
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
p + 61 2 9351 3657 | m + 61 408 599 359 | e melissa.gregg at sydney.edu.au
New book: Work¹s Intimacy
Also out: The Affect Theory Reader (edited with Gregory J Seigworth)
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