<TITLE>Nominees for ACS Board, Chair & Exec</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Dear cultural studies types,<BR>
In coming months, the Association for Cultural Studies (ACS - the organisation that runs Crossroads) will be calling for nominations for a board election that will take place prior to the general assembly in Paris, 2012. <BR>
After serving on this board as the Australia/New Zealand representative since 2004 I will not be seeking reelection.<BR>
Our region is represented proportionately like others, and there is now a vacancy for two representatives from our region. So this is just some advance notice that the board will soon be seeking formal expressions of interest – and candidate statements – from those of you interested in running. All current ACS members will then be asked to vote.<BR>
As part of the election, all executive positions are also up for nomination, which means that anyone considering running as a regional rep has the opportunity to run for Chair, Vice Chair, Organisational Secretary, etc. <BR>
With this in mind, I am very keen to encourage and invite all scholars in our region, particularly the established leaders in our field, to consider offering themselves as candidates. <BR>
Please feel free to contact me on any of the means below for further details.<BR>
All the best,<BR>
Melissa <BR>
-- <BR>
Dr Melissa Gregg<BR>
Department of Gender and Cultural Studies<BR>
Quadrangle Building A14<BR>
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia<BR>
p + 61 2 9351 3657 | m + 61 408 599 359 | e <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="melissa.gregg@sydney.edu.au">melissa.gregg@sydney.edu.au</a> <BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="http://www.arts.usyd.edu.au/departs/gcs/staff/profiles/mgregg.shtml">http://www.arts.usyd.edu.au/departs/gcs/staff/profiles/mgregg.shtml</a><BR>
New book: <I>Work’s Intimacy <BR>
</I><a href="http://www.politybooks.com/book.asp?ref=0745650279">http://www.politybooks.com/book.asp?ref=0745650279</a> <BR>
Also out: <I>The Affect Theory Reader </I>(edited with Gregory J Seigworth)<BR>
<a href="http://www.dukeupress.edu/Catalog/ViewProduct.php?productid=17901">http://www.dukeupress.edu/Catalog/ViewProduct.php?productid=17901</a><BR>