[csaa-forum] removal of journal ranking system

Andrew Murphie andrew.murphie at gmail.com
Tue May 31 12:51:23 CST 2011

yes, I welcome the end of the ERA rankings. Aside from all the other
problems, the Fibreculture Journal has had three different rankings so far.
And we began as a "textiles" journal, as far as the ERA was concerned.

However, I'm also concerned about a potential de facto hijacking of
publishing, by the ARC/government, via an imposition of "profiles" and
processes etc. Hopefully I'm wrong. Maybe it's just going to be the ARC
deciding things for themselves. Trying to "profile" 17,000 or whatever
journals would be even more impossible and foolish than ranking them.

Although, a friend put it to me that the rankings had collapsed because the
Academy of Science didn't like it in the end. So maybe we have to look in
that direction to see what might be next.

There also seems to be a remaining confusion between encouraging
"multi-disciplinarity" and profile per "unit", etc, which doesn't suit
cultural studies or theory too well.

Still, it was cheering news.

cheers, a

On 31 May 2011 12:51, Rob Garbutt <rob.garbutt at scu.edu.au> wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> Thanks for the link.  I guess it sounds good but I'm wondering about
> the replacement for journal rankings.
> Does anyone have an insight into what "the introduction of a journal
> quality profile, showing the most frequently published journals for
> each unit of evaluation" means?
> Cheers,
> Rob.
> >
> >Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 10:13:21 +0800
> >From: "Jon Stratton" <J.Stratton at curtin.edu.au>
> >Subject: [csaa-forum] removal of journal ramking system
> >To: <csaa-forum at lists.cdu.edu.au>
> >
> >    Hi Everybody,
> >        In case anyone missed the announcement, yesterday Kim Carr
> >issued a press release relating to changes in the ERA scheme.  One
> >of the key changes is that journals will no longer be ranked--that
> >is, no longer be allocated A*, A, B, C rankings.  You can find the
> >ministerial statement here:
> >
> http://minister.innovation.gov.au/Carr/MediaReleases/Pages/IMPROVEMENTSTOEXCELLENCEINRESEARCHFORAUSTRALIA.aspx
> >
> >cheers,
> >Jon
> --
> ------------
> Dr. Rob Garbutt
> Lecturer
> School of Arts and Social Sciences
> Southern Cross University
> PO Box 157 Lismore 2480
> Australia
> e: rob.garbutt at scu.edu.au
> t: + 61 2 6620 3162
> f: + 61 2 6622 1683
> r: B116
> http://works.bepress.com/robert_garbutt/
> SCU CRICOS Provider Nos: NSW 01241G; QLD 03135E; WA 02621K
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really wants to know is, Where are the other places" - Alfred North

Andrew Murphie - Associate Professor
School of English, Media and Performing Arts, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia, 2052
Editor - The Fibreculture Journal http://fibreculturejournal.org/>
web: http://www.andrewmurphie.org/  http://dynamicmedianetwork.org/

fax:612 93856812 tlf:612 93855548 email: a.murphie at unsw.edu.au
room 311H, Webster Building
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