[csaa-forum] CFP: Somatechnics of 'Size' Edited Collection

Samantha Murray smurray78 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 17:26:27 CST 2009


Following preliminary publisher interest, Nikki Sullivan and I are currently
preparing a proposal for a book collection tentatively entitled "The
Somatechnics of Size: Queer Interventions." This book, like our co-edited
collection Somatechnics: Queering the Technologisation of Bodies (which is
currently in-press, and due for release in September 2009) will be part of
the Queer Interventions series, published by Ashgate, the current general
editors of which are Michael O'Rourke and Noreen Giffney. More information
about the proposed collection, 'The Somatechnics of 'Size': Queer
Interventions' can be found below:
Somatechnics is an emerging area of scholarship and a mode of critical
inquiry concerned with highlighting the inextricability of soma (the body)
and techné (techniques), insisting that technés are not something we
add/apply to the body, but are rather the dynamic means in and through which
corporealities are crafted.  As such, the term reflects contemporary
poststructuralist understandings of embodiment as the incarnation or
materialization of historically and culturally specific discourses and
practices, and of any activity involving bodies as fundamentally
inter-corporeal, (trans)formative and ethico-political.
Much of the research undertaken under the umbrella of somatechnics could be
said to share political, ethical, epistemological, and methodological
commitments with what is currently referred to as queer theory and/or
practice. Queer, at least as we understand it, is a heterogeneous and
multidisciplinary practice aimed at denaturalizing the normalized.
"The Somatechnics of Size: Queer Interventions" aims to mobilize these
critical practices in relation to conceptualizations of (in)appropriate
Œsize¹. We are seeking work that considers Œsize¹ in a wide range of ways,
as indicated by the list of possible topic areas below:
·     Body size (obesity, anorexia, height)

·     Eating Practices/Dieting/Portion Œcontrol¹

·     ŒSize¹ of particular body parts (the nose, ears, etc)

·     Surgical augmentation/reduction (penile enlargement, implants, etc)

·     Genital surgeries, female genital cosmetic surgeries

·     Nanotechnologies

·     Architectural Spaces and Spatial (Trans) Formations

·     Monumental art and/or Public Structures

·     ŒCrowd¹ politics and mass demonstrations/gatherings (ie public
mourning gatherings for Michael Jackson, etc)

·     Fame and celebrity (Œbig¹ stars, etc)

·     ŒSize¹ and nationhood/population Œcontrol¹

·     Pregnant embodiment

·     ŒSize¹ of families (Nadya Suleman octuplets, etc)

As is customary with all Queer Interventions titles, contributions (word
length of no more than 6000 words) will be anonymously reviewed before they
can be formally accepted for the volume.

If you are interested in being part of this project, please send us a
proposed title and brief abstract (no more than 300 words). We would be
grateful if you could respond no later than 15th August, 2009 to the email
addresses listed below. Please also forward this invitation to others who
may be interested.

Kind Regards,

Dr Samantha Murray and Associate Professor Nikki Sullivan

Somatechnics Research Centre
Department of Media, Music & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Arts
Macquarie University
Email:  smurray78 at gmail.com
        nikki.sullivan at mq.edu.au 

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