[csaa-forum] 'Disability & Communication' cfp: due date 6 Feb 09

Goggin, Gerard g.goggin at unsw.edu.au
Wed Jan 28 09:12:04 CST 2009

[apologies for x-posting]

Disability and Communication:
New Directions in Creativity and Global Citizenship?
Call for papers for stream of
Australian and New Zealand Communications conference
QUT,  Brisbane, 8-10 July 2009
Due date: Friday 6 Feb 2009
For a second year, a 'Disability and Communication' stream, convened by Dr
Fiona Kumari Campbell (Griffith) and Professor Gerard Goggin (UNSW) will
showcase research about disability - bringing together those interested in
making disability an integral and vibrant part of media and communications
research, teaching, policy, and practice.

In keeping with this year's ANZCA theme theme, we call for contributions on
(but not limited to) topics such as:

* Where do critical conceptions of disability fit into current discourses of
* What are the new possibilities for justice, ethics and disability from
changes in global citizenship (not least the new UN Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities)?
* How do people with disabilities figure in contemporary media culture in
Australia and New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region?
* What are the new cultures of disability to be found in digital
technologies and environments, from Second Life, through mobiles, to digital
broadcasting, and new media technologies of disability?
* How should media and communications studies and research respond to the
new political and scholarly developments around disability in Australasia?

Please proceed to make a direct submission through the ANZCA website:
http://www.anzca09.org/ or contact both convenors: Fiona Kumari Campbell
(Fiona.Campbell at griffith.edu.au); Gerard Goggin (g.goggin at unsw.edu.au)
Final date for submission of abstracts is Friday 6 February 2009.

Gerard Goggin
Professor of Digital Communication 
& Deputy Director
Journalism and Media Research Centre
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 NSW Australia
e: g.goggin at unsw.edu.au
w: +61 2 9385 8532 m: +61 428 66 88 24
f: +61 2 9385 8528

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