[csaa-forum] New journal announcement/CFP: Digital Culture & Education
Jean Burgess
je.burgess at qut.edu.au
Mon Sep 8 16:17:58 CST 2008
Dear colleagues,
Forwarded by request, see below.
Best regards
Call for Papers
Digital Culture & Education (DCE) is currently seeking manuscripts for the
inaugural issue to be launched early in 2009. We invite submission of
manuscripts for peer-revision that follow the guidelines below. Please
note the
deadline for the first issue is November 15, 2008. Manuscripts or
works received
after this date will be considered for subsequent issues. For further
inquiries and
submission of work, send an email to editor at digitalcultureandeducation.com
Aims & Scope
Digital Culture & Education (DCE) is an international
inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed
journal. This interactive, open-access web-published journal is for
those interested
in digital culture and education. The journal is devoted to analysing
the impact of
digital culture on identity, education, art, society, culture and
narrative within social,
political, economic, cultural and historical contexts.
Submission Guidelines
The scale and speed at which digital culture has entered all aspects
of our lives is
unprecedented. We publish articles and digital works that address the
use of digital
(and other) technologies and how they are taken up across diverse
institutional and
non-institutional contexts. Scholarly reviews of books, conferences,
exhibits, games,
software and hardware are also encouraged. The work we publish is both
disciplinary and interdisciplinary, bridging the social sciences and
humanities. We
are interested in work and scholarship theorising globalisation, development,
sustainability, wellbeing, subjectivities, networks, new media,
gaming, multimodality,
literacies and related issues. We encourage submissions in a variety
of modes and
invite guest editors to propose special editions.
Free access available and articles web-published several times a year
Publication of Digital Culture & Education is ongoing. The journal
incorporates an
RSS feed to publish frequently updated content on the journal?s web site.
Style Guide
Manuscripts should include:
1. Cover sheet with author(s) contact details and brief biographical
2. Abstract of approximately 150 words
3. Up to ten keywords
4. Main body of manuscript. Articles 5-8000 words, reviews 1-2000 words,
please contact the editors about submissions that fall outside this rubric.
a. APA style in-text citations
5. Endnotes for additional information.
6. List of references
a. Figures, illustrations and photographs should be numbered
consecutively. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain
permissions for the reprinting/use of copyrighted images.
b. We suggest that at least one or possibly two levels of subheading
be used to divide the proposed work into sections.
Christopher Walsh
walsh at digitalcultureandeducation.com
Thomas Apperley
apperley at digitalcultureandeducation.com
Editorial Board
Chris Abbott
James Albright
Donna Alvermann
Catherine Beavis
Ian Bogost
Clare Bradford
Gunilla Bradley
Leicha Bragg
Andrew Burn
Victoria Carrington
Dean Chan
Mia Consalvo
Suzanne de Castell
James P. Gee
Bill Green
Darshana Jayemanne
Jen Jenson
Hyeong-Seon Jeong
Carey Jewitt
Michael Knobel
Castulus Kolo
Gunther Kress
Kevin Leander
Nancy Lesko
Allan Luke
Carmen Luke
Kerry Mallan
Jackie Marsh
Shin Mizukoshi
Helen Nixon
Joanne Omara
Gareth Schott
Julian Sefton-Green
Dana Wilber
Tom Apperley
Co-Editor Digital Culture & Education
Research Fellow
School of Education
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
VIC 3125, Australia
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