[csaa-forum] ERA rankings
Greg Hainge
g.hainge at uq.edu.au
Mon Jul 7 12:04:45 CST 2008
Dear All,
I've been coordinating an examination of these ranking lists for the French Discipline with colleagues in French programs across Australia in order to (try to) have a consolidated approach across the sector. To this end, I've used email distribution lists such as this as well as a Facebook group to gather feedback. Since many people in French Studies also publish in many of the more generalist cultural studies journals in existence, we've looked at many of these areas too and I paste below a summary of some of our findings in the hope that it might save some of this work being carried out multiple times and that you may like to feed some of this information into your institutions' submissions as well.
A couple of general points:
1. Absolutely right on film studies journals. I think in fact that if you search the excel file for journals with 'film' 'screen' or 'cinema' in the title, with the exception of East-West Film journal, Cinemaya and the Journal of Popular Film and Television which have B rankings (and I have to confess to not knowing the first two at all) all other journals in this area with these words in their title are ranked C. I have alerted Graeme Turner to this who assures me that Film scholars are aware of this and endeavouring to do something about it. It may well be sensible to act within the CS community also however.
2. The comments on this list about the low ranking of local journals seems to counter the findings in some other discipline areas in which local journals seems oftentimes to have been ranked somewhat too generously.
3. As any who read Profs Malpas and Brennan's excellent piece in the Higher Ed supplement last Wednesday will realise, this exercise is particularly problematic for anyone wishing to publish in non-English language journals so please be alert to this if this applies to you.
4. No one seems to have pointed out the fact that there is an inherent problem in the two methods being used to draw up this list in that it applies both a criteria-based methodology for defining what constitutes a quality journal (and pretty much EVERYTHING I read I reckon would qualify as a B according to those criteria) and a bell curve using percentiles according to which 50% of all journals will be ranked C. I always thought that if one used criteria-based assessment this necessarily discounted the possibility of the application of any bell curve to results since as long as one obeyed the criteria, one necessarily fell into a certain category. I fail to see how this is different.
To follow some of our findings on omissions with some supplementary information designed to let people fill in the macros on the ARC spreadsheet. Please feel free to take on board, change or disregard as you see fit.
Greg Hainge.
1. Ommissions :
b. Indirectly related to French Studies:
Journal Title : invisible culture
Journal ISSN : 1097-3710
How do you know this journal : publication and consultation. Rated B on ERIH.
Editorial board comments: Godfre Leung; Gloria Kim; Janet Berlo, University of Rochester; C. Ondine Chavoya, Williams College; Bridget R. Cooks, University of California, Irvine; Jennifer Doyle, University of California, Riverside; Paul Duro, University of Rochester; Darby English, University of Chicago; Grant Kester, University of California, San Diego; Joan Saab, University of Rochester; Howard Singerman, University of Virginia; Rochelle Steiner, Director of Public Art Fund; Tina Takemoto, California College of the Arts;
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: Visual communication.
URL: http://www.rochester.edu/in_visible_culture/ <http://www.rochester.edu/in_visible_culture/>
Ranking: B
FoR: 1902
Journal Title : film-philosophy
Journal ISSN : 1466-4615
How do you know this journal : consultation.
Editorial board comments: David Sorfa <http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/LSS/screenstudies/89150.htm#David> (Liverpool John Moores University); Jon Baldwin <http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/jcamd/research/staff-research/mc/jon-baldwin.cfm> (London Metropolitan University); Catherine Constable <http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/film/staff/constable/> (University of Warwick); Sarah Cooper <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/humanities/film/staff/cooper.html> (King's College London); David Martin-Jones <http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/filmstudies/staff.php?staffid=1> (University of St Andrews); Douglas Morrey <http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/french/about/staff/dm/> (University of Warwick); John Mullarkey <http://www.dundee.ac.uk/philosophy/staff/mullarkey/> (University of Dundee); Benjamin Noys <http://www.chi.ac.uk/english/benjamin.cfm> (University of Chichester); Richard Stamp <http://www.bathspa.ac.uk/about/profiles/profile.asp?user=academic%5Cstar1> (Bath Spa University); Damian Peter Sutton <http://www.bfi.org.uk/filmtvinfo/researchers/mirr/researcher/444> (Glasgow School of Art);
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: No cinema journals on ERA Journal Ranking list are rated above C so no equivalent. Would be Film Studies if properly ranked.
URL: http://www.film-philosophy.com/ <http://www.film-philosophy.com/>
Ranking: B
FoR: 1902
Journal Title : enculturation
Journal ISSN : 1525-3120
How do you know this journal : consultation.
Editorial board comments: Byron Hawk <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#hawk#hawk> , George Mason University; Sarah Arroyo <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#arroyo#arroyo> , California State University at Long Beach; Jennifer Bay <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#bay#bay> , Purdue University; Lisa Coleman <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#coleman#coleman> , Southeastern Oklahoma State University; Peter Goggin <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#goggin#goggin> , Arizona State University; Lorie Goodman <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#goodman#goodman> , Pepperdine University; Judy Isaksen <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#isaksen#isaksen> , Eckerd College; Jeffrey Karnicky <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#karnicky#karnicky> , Millersville University; Matthew Levy <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#levy#levy> , University of Texas at Arlington; Timothy Mayers <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#mayers#mayers> , Millersville University; Stacia Neeley <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#neeley#neeley> , Texas Wesleyan University; Jeff Rice <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#rice#rice> , Wayne State University; David Rieder <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#rieder#rieder> , North Carolina State University; James Roberts <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/enculted.html#roberts#roberts> , Georgia State University
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list:
URL: http://enculturation.gmu.edu/ <http://enculturation.gmu.edu/>
Ranking: B
FoR: 2005
Journal Title : janus head
Journal ISSN : 1524-2269
How do you know this journal : consultation
Editorial board comments: Brent Dean Robbins ; Costica Bradatan; Will W. Adams: David Anfam: Branka Arsic: Dusan Bjelic: Scott Bortle: Thorsten Botz-Bornstein: Daniel Burston: William Bywater: Scott Churchill: Bainard Cowan: Christine Cowan: Louise Cowan: Aurelian Craiutu: Hulya Durudogan: Frank Edler: Ian Edwards: Camelia Elias: Fred Evans: Andrew Felder: Harris Friedman: Yael Goldman: Alphonso Lingis: Dan Martino: Lyle Novinski: Alan Pope: Bethany Riddle: Robert D. Romanyshyn: Eva-Maria Simms: Michael Sipiora:
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: Invisible culture.
URL: http://www.janushead.org/ <http://www.janushead.org/>
Ranking: B
FoR: 2005
Journal Title : post script
Journal ISSN : 0277-9897.
How do you know this journal : publication and consultation.
Editorial board comments: Gerald duchovnay; POST SCRIPT is indexed by the Federation Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF) and its published listing, The International Index to Film Periodicals; Film/Literature Index; MLA International Bibliography; An Index to Book Reviews in the Humanities, and the International Index to the Performing Arts (Chadwyck-Healey).
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: No cinema journals on ERA Journal Ranking list are rated above C so no equivalent. Would be Film Criticism if properly ranked.
URL: http://postscriptessays.blogspot.com/2008/04/home.html <http://postscriptessays.blogspot.com/2008/04/home.html>
Ranking: B
FoR: 1902
Journal Title : twentieth-century music
Journal ISSN : 1478-5722
How do you know this journal : Consultation.
Editorial board comments: Christopher Mark, University of Surrey, UK; Allan Moore, University of Surrey, UK
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: Leonardo Music Journal.
URL: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=TCM <http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=TCM>
Ranking: B
FoR: 1904
Journal Title : social semiotics
Journal ISSN : 1035-0330
How do you know this journal : Publication and consultation.
Editorial board comments: Joseph Pugliese - Macquarie University, NSW, Australia; Associate Editor, USA: Toby Miller - New York University, USA Terry Threadgold - Cardiff University, Wales, UK; Paul Cobley - London Metropolitan University, England, UK; David Machin - University of Leicester, England, UK; Radhika Mohanram - Cardiff University, Wales, UK; Judith Pryor - Office of Treaty Settlements, Wellington, New Zealand
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: Culture theory and critique.
URL: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/carfax/10350330.html <http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/carfax/10350330.html>
Ranking: B
FoR: 2099
Journal Title : ctheory
Journal ISSN :
How do you know this journal : consultation. Very respected web journal in theoretical humanities.
Editorial board comments: Arthur Kroker; Marilouise Kroker; William Bogard (Whitman College) : Mary Bryson (University of British Columbia) : Steve Dixon (Brunel University) : Frances Dyson (University of California Davis) : Joan Hawkins (Indiana University) : Paul Hegarty (University College Cork) : Warren Magnusson (University of Victoria) : Anna Munster (University of New South Wales) : Eugene Thacker (Georgia Institute of Technology); Paul Virilio (Paris), : Bruce Sterling (Turin), : Siegfried Zielinski (Academy of Media Arts, Cologne), : Stelarc (Nottingham Trent University), : DJ Spooky [Paul D. Miller] (New York City), : Lynn Hershman Leeson (San Francisco), : Stephen Pfohl (Boston College), : Andrew Ross (New York University), : Timothy Murray (Cornell University), : Eugene Thacker (Georgia Institute of Technology), : Steve Dixon (Brunel University), : Anna Munster (University of New South Wales), : Warren Magnusson (University of Victoria), : Paul Hegarty (University College Cork), : Joan Hawkins (Indiana University), : Frances Dyson (University of California Davis), : Mary Bryson (University of British Columbia), : William Bogard (Whitman College), : Andrew Wernick (Trent University), : Maurice Charland (Concordia University)
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: Angelaki.
URL: http://www.ctheory.net/ <http://www.ctheory.net/>
Ranking: A
FoR: 2099
Journal Title : cinemascope
Journal ISSN :
How do you know this journal : consultation.
Editorial board comments:
Peer review process: Peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list:
URL: http://www.cinemascope.it/ <http://www.cinemascope.it/>
Ranking: C
FoR: 1902
Journal Title : Diacritics
Journal ISSN : 0300-7162
How do you know this journal : Rated A on ERIH list. Very respected journal across many disciplines.
Editorial board comments: Bruno Bosteels; Timothy Campbell ; Debra Castillo ; Laurent Dubreuil ; Jonathan Culler ; María Antonia Garcés ; Peter Gilgen ; Mitchell Greenberg ; Luz Horne ; Cary Howie ; Hector Hoyos ; Richard Klein ; Dominick LaCapra ; Philip E. Lewis ; Tracy McNulty ; Natalie Melas ; Satya P. Mohanty ; Jonathan Monroe ; Timothy Murray ; Luna Nájera ; Simone Pinet ; José María Rodríguez García ; Marie-Claire Vallois ; Tom Conley ; Mary Gaylord ; Roberto González Echevarría ; Neil Hertz ; Fredric Jameson ; Michael Nerlich ; Gerald Prince ; Joan Ramon Resina ; Paul Julian Smith ; Hortense Spillers
Peer review process: Blind Peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: Critical Inquiry.
URL: http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/diacritics/ <http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/diacritics/>
Ranking: A*
FoR: 2099
Journal Title : Cultures of the Commonwealth
Journal ISSN : 1245-2971
How do you know this journal : Consultation.
Editorial board comments: Martine Piquet, Université Paris IX-Dauphine; Francine Tolron, Université d'Avignon ; Dr Gwyn CAMPBELL, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse (France) ; Pr. Cynthia CAREY, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, Paris (France) ; Pr Jean COPANS, Université de Picardie (France) ; Dr Dominique DARBON, Centre d'Etudes d'Afrique Noire, IEP de Bordeaux (France) ; Pr Jean-Pierre Durix, Université de Bourgogne (France); Pr Etienne GALLE, Université Rennes 2 (France) ; Pr. Michèle LURDOS, Université Montpellier III (France) ; Pr Martine PIQUET, Université Paris IX-Dauphine (France) ; Pr. Xavier PONS, Université Toulouse-le-Mirail (France) ; Pr. Michel RENOUARD, Université Rennes 2 (France) ; Dr Francine TOLRON, Université d'Avignon (France) ; Pr André ULPAT, Université d'Avignon (France).
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list:
Ranking: A
FoR: 2099
Journal Title : substance
Journal ISSN : 00492426
How do you know this journal : Ranked A on ERIH list. very widely respected journal in the Humanities.
Editorial board comments: Sydney Lévy: Department of French and Italian: University of California, Santa Barbara; David Bell: Duke University: Michel Pierssens: Département d'Etudes Françaises: Université de Montréal; Paul Harris: Department of English: Loyola Marymount University; Eric Méchoulan: Département d'Etudes Françaises: Université de Montréal: Roxanne Lapidus: Department of French and Italian: University of California.
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: Diacritics.
URL: http://www.french-ital.ucsb.edu/substance/ <http://www.french-ital.ucsb.edu/substance/>
Ranking: A*
FoR: 2005
Journal Title : foucault studies
Journal ISSN :
How do you know this journal : consultation.
Editorial board comments: Sverre Raffnsøe, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; Alan Rosenberg, Queens College, United States; Alain Beaulieu, Université Laurentienne, Canada ; Clare O'Farrell; Frederik Tygstrup, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Jens-Erik Kristensen, The Danish University of Education, Denmark
Peer review process: Peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list:
URL: http://rauli.cbs.dk/index.php/foucault-studies/ <http://rauli.cbs.dk/index.php/foucault-studies/>
Ranking: C
FoR: 2203
Journal Title : International journal of baudrillard studies
Journal ISSN : 1705 6411
How do you know this journal : consultation
Editorial board comments: Dr. Gerry Coulter, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bishop's University, Quebec; Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007); Dr. Rex Butler. University of Queensland; Dr. Alan Cholodenko, The University of Sydney; Dr. Loretta Czernis. Bishop's University; Professor Marcus Doel, Swansea University; Dr. Gary Genosko, Lakehead University, Ontario; Victoria Grace, University or Canterbury, New Zealand; Dr. Sylvere Lotringer, Columbia University; William Merrin, University of Wales, Swansea; Dr. Mark Poster, University of California, Irvine; Dr. Tilottama Rajan, University of Western Ontario; Diane Rubenstein, Cornell University; Alan N. Shapiro; Dr. Jonathan Smith, RMIT University; Dr. Richard G. Smith, Swansea University; Dr. Paul A. Taylor, The University of Leeds;
Peer review process: Blind peer review.
Other journals of similar quality from ARC list: Continental Philosophy Review.
URL: http://www.ubishops.ca/BaudrillardStudies/ <http://www.ubishops.ca/BaudrillardStudies/>
Ranking: B
FoR: 2203
Dr Greg Hainge, Senior Lecturer in French, French Coordinator,
School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, Qld 4072, Australia.
tel: (Int. + 61) (07) 3365 2282 fax: 3365 6799
personal web page: geocities.com/ghainge/
President of the Australian Society for French Studies
_Culture Theory and Critique_ Editorial Board.
_Contemporary French Civilization_ Editorial Board.
_Etudes Celiniennes_ Editorial Board.
Australia and NZ Representative of the Société d'Études Céliniennes
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From: csaa-forum-bounces at lists.cdu.edu.au [mailto:csaa-forum-bounces at lists.cdu.edu.au] On Behalf Of Jon Stratton
Sent: Monday, 7 July 2008 11:43 AM
To: csaa-forum at lists.cdu.edu.au
Subject: RE: [csaa-forum] ERA rankings
Hi Everybody,
While on the matter of which journals are ranked high and which low, those people who write about film need to know that (I think I am right in saying) no film journal get higher than a B ranking and most, including Screen, get a C. Also, for those who write about popular music--and I have already posted this information to the local popular music studies email List--Perfect Beat: The Pacific Journal for Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture, running since 1992 and the only Australian-based journal specialising in popular music studies, gets a C and the other relevant journals, such as Popular Music and Society, get a B.
Again, I emphasise, please organise submissions.
From: csaa-forum-bounces at lists.cdu.edu.au on behalf of Jon Stratton
Sent: Sun 6/07/2008 6:24 PM
To: Lelia GREEN; csaa-forum at lists.cdu.edu.au
Subject: RE: [csaa-forum] ERA rankings
Hi Everybody,
Thanks for expanding and reinforcing my email, Leilia. In the last few days, the dealine has been extended. I was sent this email:
Due to the large interest in and the importance of this exercise the ARC is extending the deadline for submissions by three weeks. Therefore, submissions as part of this consultation process will close COB on Thursday 14 August, 2008, but researchers will be asked (via the "Making Submissions" link on our website http://www.arc.gov.au/era/submissions_ranking.htm <https://email.curtin.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.arc.gov.au/era/submissions_ranking.htm> ) to have their submission material to their institution's ERA Liaison Officer by COB 31 July 2008 to allow time for compilation of your institution's submission.
From: Lelia GREEN [mailto:l.green at ecu.edu.au]
Sent: Sun 6/07/2008 3:45 PM
To: Jon Stratton; csaa-forum at lists.cdu.edu.au
Subject: RE: [csaa-forum] ERA rankings
Dear Jon and all
Thanks for raising this, Jon.
In fact, the ARC press release of 12 June indicates that institutions have until 24 July to respond to the draft list. (See below). Institutions will probably have closing dates for internal submissions that are a week or two before this date -- so this is a job for the coming week!
Sadly, both Cultural Studies journals and Communications journals appear to have suffered as a result of not being clearly aligned with either a Humanities or a Social Sciences focus. In addition to the list of B graded journals in your post can be added the internationally-recognised Australian Journal of Communication (which the Australian Business Deans' Council graded as A), and M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture. The only Australian journal in our field to be recognised as higher than B appears to be Media International Australia (A*).
I agree with Jon that this is a matter that should be raised urgently with our University research co-ordinators since it would be inappropriate to categorise all Australian journals in Media, Communications and Cultural Studies (apart from MIA) as publishing "only a few papers of very high quality".
Further, this discussion and the fact that we had little notice of the outcomes prior to the 12 June indicates that we should work towards a national forum of Humanities and Arts Deans so that we could have had input into the national discussions equivalent to that enjoyed by the Business Deans. (They have a national meeting twice a year to impact upon policy affecting their discipline areas.)
Thanks again
Thursday, 12 June 2008
ARC seeks sector's views on journal rankings for ERA initiative
The Australian Research Council (ARC) has today launched a consultation period on a draft journal rankings list, one of the indicators that will be used on a discipline-specific basis to evaluate research as part of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative.
Research outlets are ranked into four tiers (A*, A, B and C) on the basis of the overall quality that each has for a particular discipline.
ARC Chief Executive Officer, Professor Margaret Sheil said that this is the second phase on the journal rankings. In late 2007, the four Learned Academies and a number of peak bodies, undertook the initial journal ranking exercise to develop this draft for their relevant disciplines.
"More than 19,000 unique peer reviewed journals have been identified to form the draft list of ranked journals.
"It is worth noting that journals of Australian origin are well represented in the top tiers of the draft rankings.
"This is an important process to ensure that the higher education and research sectors will have confidence in the rankings that will be used as part of the ERA initiative," Professor Sheil said.
Submissions will close on Thursday 24 July, 2008. More information is available from the ARC website: http://www.arc.gov.au/era/indicators.htm <https://staffmail.ecu.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.arc.gov.au/era/indicators.htm>
The ARC will release the final journal ranking list once all submissions have been considered.
From: csaa-forum-bounces at lists.cdu.edu.au on behalf of Jon Stratton
Sent: Sun 06/07/2008 10:30
To: csaa-forum at lists.cdu.edu.au
Subject: [csaa-forum] ERA rankings
Hi Everybody,
If you haven't already, may I please suggest that you look at the journal rankings that are planned to be used for the federal government's Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) exercise. The list of journals and the rankings can be found at: http://www.arc.gov.au/xls/ERA_Journal_Ranking_Flatfile.xls <https://email.curtin.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.arc.gov.au/xls/ERA_Journal_Ranking_Flatfile.xls> . There are four categories, A*, A, B. C. C is therefore the lowest ranking. You might particularly want to note that Continuum, which is the only international cultural studies journal based in Australia, and is the CSAA-linked journal, has a B ranking. This places it well down in importance and means that articles published in it will not be regarded by the ERA exercise as being of as much worth as compared to if the journal are ranked at A* or A.
Journal of Intercultural Studies is also ranked as a B, as are Social Identities, and Borderlands. Third Text is a C as is New Formations. As a generalisation, it seems to me that journals based in the US or Britain, and journals which tend towards publishing less innovative and less controversial (and this includes political) articles, tend to be given the higher rankings.
At present submissions are being taken for additions to the journal list and for changes in ranking. All submissions have to be sent through universities. If you have not been contacted by the R&D area of your university may I suggest that you contact them, find out how to register a submission in your university and do so. The closing date for submissions is towards the end of July.
thanks for your time,
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