[csaa-forum] CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - Workshop with Prof. David Eng (U of Pennsylvania) - 11-12 Dec 2008; ANU House, Melbourne

Tseen Khoo Tseen.Khoo at arts.monash.edu.au
Wed Jun 25 15:03:06 CST 2008


The Asian Australian Studies Research Network (AASRN 
<http://www.asianaustralianstudies.org/>) presents a

WORKSHOP with Prof. DAVID ENG (U of Pennsylvania, USA) - 11-12 December 
ANU House, 52 Collins St, Melbourne

This event is primarily a workshop for Early Career Researchers (ECRs – 
postgraduates and postdoctoral) that focuses on intellectual mentoring 
and affording ECRs international engagement with their work.

INVITED KEYNOTE: Professor David Eng, U of Pennsylvania, USA
KEYNOTE BIOG: David L. Eng is Professor of English and Comparative 
Literature and also a core faculty member in the Asian American Studies 
Program. He received his Ph.D. in comparative literature from the 
University of California at Berkeley and his B.A. in English from 
Columbia University. His areas of specialization include Asian American 
studies, Asian diaspora, psychoanalysis, critical race theory, queer 
studies, and visual culture. He is author of /The Feeling of Kinship: 
Queer Liberalism and the Racialization of Intimacy/ (Duke, forthcoming) 
and /Racial Castration: Managing Masculinity in Asian America/ (Duke, 
2001). In addition, he is co-editor with David Kazanjian of /Loss: The 
Politics of Mourning/ (California, 2003), with Alice Y. Hom of /Q & A: 
Queer in Asian America/ (Temple, 1998), and with Judith Halberstam and 
Jose Muñoz of a special issue of the journal /Social Text /(2005), 
"What's Queer about Queer Studies Now?". He is currently at work on two 
new projects, a study of neoliberalism and desire in Chinese cinema and 
an analysis of political and psychic reparation.

WORKSHOP PLACES are necessarily LIMITED and capped at 10-12 
participants. Please submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) form by 1 
AUGUST 2008. There are a limited number of bursaries to assist ECRs in 
travelling to the workshop. These bursaries are competitive and cover 
airfares/accommodation up to the value of $500.

 >> Full EOI guidelines and the workshop application form are attached 
to this email. If you have trouble receiving them, please contact Dr 
Tseen Khoo (tseen.khoo at arts.monash.edu.au)

The workshop is convened by the Asian Australian Studies Research 
Network, and is also supported by:
* The ARC Cultural Research Network, and
* The Australian National University
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