[csaa-forum] CFP: Bad Cinema Conference, Melbourne, April 2009

Amanda Third A.Third at murdoch.edu.au
Wed Jun 25 03:17:28 CST 2008


B for BAD cinema: aesthetics, politics and cultural value

Inaugural Centre for Film and Television Studies Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, April 15–17, 2009

Over the past decade, paracinema – a movement that has grown up around sleazy, excessive, or poorly executed B-movies – has seen a counter-cultural valorisation of all forms of cinematic trash or ‘badfilm.’ In many internet and print sources devoted to the celebration of paracinema, the term B-movie has (in contrast to its earlier studio-era sense) come to mean almost anything: disreputable and unworthy movies, low-budget exploitation movies, straight to TV or video movies, and even big-budget studio movies. B for BAD cinema seeks to negotiate some of the (aesthetic and moral) values and judgments inscribed in a B-movie culture in which films are deemed to be good-because-bad or bad-because-good. B for BAD cinema invites international film scholars, critics and filmmakers to present their thoughts on badfilm, with a particular focus on the following themes: 
1. Cultural value and theory
2. Bad feeling and affect
3. Aesthetic value and bad art
4. Cultural morals and politics 
5. Bad film theory and criticism

Plenary speakers include:
Elisabeth Bronfen
J. Hoberman
Angela Ndalianis
Adrian Martin
Ernest Mathijs
Murray Pomerance
Jeffrey Sconce

The Conference Conveners will accept proposals for individual papers or three-speaker panel sessions until November 14 2008. 
Abstracts of no more than 250-words and a 100-word biography should be sent to Con Verevis: Con.Verevis at arts.monash.edu.au



Dr Amanda Third
Senior Lecturer/Director of the Centre for Everyday Life
Murdoch University
Western Australia

ph: +61 8 9360 7469 (w) +61 420 36 47 58 (m)
email: a.third at murdoch.edu.au

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