[csaa-forum] ACS News - call for contributions

Melissa Gregg m.gregg at uq.edu.au
Wed Mar 14 18:35:01 CST 2007

Dear ACS members and friends of cultural studies,

The ACS Newsletter Cultural Currents has a deadline for its next 
(5th) issue on Sunday 25 March.

You who are members can have a look at the previous one at the 
Intranet section of the ACS website. As you can see, we are open for 
both fact and fiction, reports and announcements, visions and 
debates, texts and images.

Please start sending material now for that issue to me and/or my 
co-editor: sanna.harakkamaki at uta.fi

We welcome contributions of all possible kinds, reflecting what 
happens globally in cultural studies or in a specific region or 
subfield, informing about problems and threats but also about 
forthcoming events, including associations and networks, conferences 
and workshops, courses and programs, centres and departments, 
research projects, books and journals, grants and job opportunities. 
Reviews of publications and events are also welcome.

Previous issues can be downloaded in Word and PDF formats from the 
ACS Intranet menu "Newsletter", reached through the ACS website:
www.cultstud.org -> Membership -> Intranet -> Go to Intra
or directly at:
Every member has received e-mail instructions on how to use the 
Intra, but in case you have problems logging in or using it, please 
don't reply to this message but instead contact Sanna Harakkamaki: 
sanna.harakkamaki at uta.fi

Looking forward to your voice in the polyphony of Cultural Currents!

Johan Fornas
Editor & Vice Chair
Johan Fornas

Professor at the Department of Culture Studies (Tema Q) 
Director of the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS) 
Vice Chair of the Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) 

Tema Q, ISAK, Linkoping University, SE-601 74 Norrkoping, Sweden
Telephone +46-11-343608	Mobile +46-703-402242 
fornas at acsis.liu.se  		http://www.johanfornas.se/

ACS List signoff instructions, and other important stuff:

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