[csaa-forum] Key Ingredients Survey Reminder

Melanie McKenzie melanie at econnect.com.au
Mon Jul 3 15:10:13 CST 2006

Hello Again,
If you haven't completed the survey yet, there is still time! The  
survey (and your chance to win) will close this upcoming Friday, 7  
July 2006. Thank you if you have already participated, and don't  
forget to pass the details along to your colleagues who have been  
involved in collaboration within and between the sectors.


If you have participated in collaborative research, education or  
other activities, we need your views on collaboration, particularly  
within and between the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)  
sector and Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (STEM) sector.

We would like you to complete a survey designed to test the key  
ingredients to successful collaboration.

The survey is the final part of the most comprehensive and in-depth  
examination of collaboration in Australia to date.  Funded by the  
Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST), the project  
examines and tests information gathered through focus groups,  
interviews, a qualitative database and a review of the literature.

Complete the survey on-line
Click on   http://www.chass.org.au

Or copy the following url into your internet browser:

Once you have arrived at the CHASS homepage, please click on  "Click  
here to begin the survey" under the Key Ingredients for Collaboration  
section near the top of the page.

You should address this survey with a collaborative project in mind.  
This survey will take about 15-20 minutes to complete

How the survey will be used
The information you provide will be used to develop recommendations  
for supporting successful collaboration. It will be published in  
October this year.

Win some wine or ABC products
To encourage you to complete the survey you will also have three  
chances to win a dozen bottles of quality Australian wine or win a  
voucher for the ABC shop to an equivalent amount.

Difference with first survey
If you did a previous survey on this project, we would still like you  
to complete this survey. The first survey was designed to gather  
general information about collaboration. This survey is different in  
that it is a quantitative survey designed to test key ingredients.

***Please feel free to pass on this information to other lists,  
organisations or people you feel might be interested.***


Prof Malcolm Gillies, CHASS President

Melanie McKenzie
melanie at econnect.com.au
(07) 3846 7111

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