[csaa-forum] Call for papers: Making Badlands Conference
Warwick Mules
w.mules at cqu.edu.au
Tue Apr 5 09:23:46 CST 2005
Call for Papers
Making Badlands 1 - 2 December 2005
A conference hosted by Transformations and the Bundaberg Media
Research Group, Central Queensland University.
To be held at Central Queensland University, Bundaberg campus, 1 - 2
December 2005.
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Ross Gibson, New Media and Digital Culture,
Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of
Technology Sydney.
Ross Gibson's book Seven Versions of an Australian Badland (UQ Press,
2002) describes the central Queensland region as haunted by a violent
colonial past and fraught with troubling incidents that make it an
Australian badland. This conference will address the concept of an
Australian badland. What it means to speak of a space as a badland,
its relation to history, the imaginary, and to questions of
regionality, representation, myth, archival authority, and the
formation of narrative and discursive knowledge.
The conference will also examine how imaginary spaces are actively
produced through technological, aesthetic, conceptual, visual, audio
and other sensory engagements with the materiality of regional
contexts, and develop ways in which these may be contested through
alternative practices of making that may lead to more progressive and
empowering visions of regions.
A region may be considered as a space of multiplicities, greater
than, and hence excessive to, the centres found within it - a site of
boundaries, margins, peripheries, and frontiers, with contingent and
transversal relations to any 'core' centre. All centres are regional,
and all regions have their centres. Urban, suburban, inner and outer
metropolitan, town and country, outback, bush, are all regions
capable of both producing and resisting badlands as cultural
The conference will be divided into a critical, reflective component
consisting of panels and individual papers presented and discussed on
the first day, and a practical component in which specific projects
and material practices will be workshopped and examined on the second
day. This second component will include the work of artists and
cultural workers, as well as other stakeholders in the production of
regional imaginaries. These may include members of indigenous
communities, social and welfare activists, environmental workers, and
others concerned with implementing new ways of thinking about and
perceiving badland regional imaginaries.
We invite papers from academics, researchers, writers, artists and
cultural workers on any topic related the making of badlands, both
past and present. A selection of papers will be published in the
refereed journal Transformations.
We also invite similarly-themed proposals for WWW/CD/DVD-based
audiovisual or multimedia projects, to be presented during the
conference; please submit either written proposals, URLs or CD/DVD
media. Multimedia projects will also be considered for exhibition in the
ArtSpace section of the Transformations website.
Bundaberg is a regional coastal city some five hours drive north of
Brisbane. Its subtropical climate and pleasing town and country
aspects, close to beaches and hinterland scenery, make it an ideal
place to sojourn and to make new friends and gain new perspectives in
a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.
Details concerning registration, travel and accommodation will follow shortly.
The Badlands conference is run conjointly by Transformations and the
Bundaberg Media Research Group. Links at
For further details please contact one of the conference organisers
Warwick Mules w.mules at cqu.edu.au (ph: 07 41507142)
Phil Roe p.roe at cqu.edu.au (ph: 07 41507088)
Grayson Cooke g.cooke at cqu.edu.au (ph: 07 41507136)
School of Humanities/School of Contemporary Communications
Faculty of Arts, Health and Sciences/Faculty of Informatics and Communication
Bundaberg Campus
Central Queensland University
Locked Bag 3333 DC
Bundaberg Qld 4670
Ph: 07 41 507177
Fax: 07 41 507090
Dr. Warwick Mules Editor Transformations
Cultural Studies,
Humanities, Central Queensland University
Bundaberg Campus, email: w.mules at cqu.edu.au
Locked Bag 3333 DC phone: 0741 507142
Bundaberg, Queensland, mobile: 04122 92541
Australia 4670 fax: 0741 507080
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