[csaa-forum] re: fashion/clothing + recommendations

Adrian Martin adrianmartin90 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 2 10:31:32 CST 2005

Jonathan Marshall wrote:
"I cant speak for what our friend Brophy was drawing on. Most of his
essays are published in the Cinesonic papers"

Jonathan, what bibliographic disinformation!! The CINESONIC conference 
happened 4 times and produced 3 books. Philip Brophy has one long essay in 
each volume (as do some others of us). This amounts to a grand total of 3 
major essays out of the several hundred Philip has written since the late 
1970s! 'Most of his papers', indeed!

However, Philip (no longer at RMIT) has his own website and many dozens of 
papers, lecture notes, etc, are to be found there. He is is also the author 
of the recent BFI book A HUNDRED MODERN SOUNDTRACKS, heartily recommended to 
all CSAA members.

Also heartily recommended is the Australian film-and-other-arts journal 
ROUGE at ww.rouge.com.au. Five issues since late 2003 freely available 
on-line, and the latest is a special 'image issue' containing contributions 
by filmmakers, critics, scholars and historians from around the world. 
Australians in ROUGE include Meaghan Morris, filmmakers James Clayden, the 
makers of the philosophic video-essay THE ISTER (currently taking the globe 
by storm), and myself.


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