[csaa-forum] CFP: Imagining Japan (Melbourne, 4-5 March 2005)

Craig Norris Craig.Norris at arts.monash.edu.au
Wed Jan 19 09:24:05 CST 2005


Imagining Japan: A symposium
March 4-5, 2005
Japanese Studies Centre
Monash University

The diffusion of Japanese popular culture around the world (such as 
Astro Boy and PokeMon) and within certain regions (such as the 
enthusiasm for Japanese TV dramas and music in East Asia) has lead to 
increased interest in the images, imaginary, and imagining of 
contemporary Japan. It is thus timely to discuss and analyse the 
images and imagining that are emerging out of Japan’s popular culture. 
These phenomena are the focus of a two-day symposium which will be 
held in collaboration with Osaka University's Centre Of Excellence's 
21st century program. Persons interested in Japanese popular culture 
are invited to present papers. Initially the symposium participants 
will consider the following three themes: 

(1) The process by which Japanese popular culture is disseminated 
around the world
Possible topics:
*exporting franchises (eg., convenience stores, print media)
*marketing and advertising strategies
*retail and distribution networks
(2) The consumption of Japanese popular culture within Japan and abroad
Possible topics:
*the global consumption of 'Japan'
*the reception of popular culture (eg., manga, anime, TV, film, 
*the imagining of readers/viewers about Japan
*cultural change and ethnic identity
*multi-cultural society
*ethnic communities

(3) The production of Japanese popular culture within Japan and abroad
Possible topics:
*content production
*the background & training of artists/authors
*translation issues

The above are tentative panels based on proposals submitted to date. 
However the symposium is open for presentations and discussions on a 
range of other issues. Without being prescriptive, these issues 
include the following:
Discrimination and violence in Japanese popular culture
Possible topics:
*yaoi/slash fiction
*gender disturbance
*counter culture

Manga research on difference and discrimination
Possible topics:
*changing representations of race and culture
*historical records/stories

Hurdles in cultural research and other methodologies in researching 
Japanese popular culture
Possible topics:
*objectivity vs. subjectivity
*ethics and participants/sources
*speed of information/speed of research
*teaching/performing visual argumentation, visual rhetoric and visual 

Persons wishing more information should contact Dr Craig Norris by 
email at Craig.Norris at arts.monash.edu.au. Those wanting to make a 
presentation are asked to submit a 250 word proposals by e-mail by 
February 4, 2005 to the Japanese Studies Centre, email: 
japanese.studies.centre at arts.monash.edu.au

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