[csaa-forum] Terry Flew & cultural studies

Dr Laurie DUGGAN l.duggan1 at uq.edu.au
Thu Jan 6 09:16:12 CST 2005

It's probably true that Humanities academics (over and above cultural studies practitioners) are mainly of the left. So to isolate cultural studies as left-wing is probably as much a strategy as anything else for those who espouse 'traditional cultural values' (whatever they are). But the history of cultural studies is a complex one. Of course the roots are in Marx and the Frankfurt School, moving on to Birmingham &c, but it's interesting to consider the British Mass Observation phenomenon of the 30s and 40s as well. And though this grouping undoubtedly had its roots in the left a good part of it evolved into what we now call market research, an important tool of capitalism. Current studies in television and mass media in particular could be seen as feeding (at least indirectly) into market research (and this is what might worry the old left).

Anyway, it's worth it to ask these questions.


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