[csaa-forum] Internet Class CCCS Dec 6-8

Melissa Gregg m.gregg at uq.edu.au
Wed Aug 25 16:32:29 CST 2004

Internet Class 04: Mon 6 - Wed 8 December 2004
A Masterclass on Contemporary Research in Critical Internet Studies

WEBSITE NOW LIVE  - earlybird rates available.
full details: 

Convened by the Centre for Critical & Cultural Studies University of
Queensland - St Lucia Campus,  Brisbane,  Australia. CRICOS Provider
number: 00025B

Internet studies is a dynamic and innovative interdisciplinary field of
research, which engages in new ways with cultural technologies,
literacies, histories, and identities. Aimed at doctoral students and
early career researchers from a wide range of disciplines, Internet
Class 04 will be a unique masterclass event featuring leading
international scholars in critical Internet studies. With a strictly
limited enrolment, Internet Class 04 offers the opportunity for
participants to: . hear first-hand about the best, new practices in
contemporary Internet research; . extend their knowledge of concepts,
methods, and theories relevant to Internet studies; . identify and
discuss challenges, trends, and opportunities in Internet studies.

Confirmed presenters include:
Lisa Nakamura, University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of Cybertypes:
Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet (2002) and Visual Cultures
of the Internet (2005)

Geert Lovink, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Polytechnic, and CCCS,
UQ, author of Dark Fiber (2002) and My First Recession (2003)

Roger Clarke, consultant in strategic and policy aspects of electronic
business, information infrastructure, and dataveillance and privacy, and
Visiting Professor in eCommerce at the University of Hong Kong, Visiting
Professor in the Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre at UNSW, and Visiting
Fellow in Computer Science at ANU.

Mark McLelland, CCCS, UQ, co-editor of Japanese Cybercultures (2003) and
author of Kono Sekai: Queer Japan from the Pacific War to the Internet

Sue Morris, School of English, Media Studies and Art History, UQ, expert
on online computer gaming culture 

Gerard Goggin, CCCS, UQ, editor of Virtual Nation: The Internet in
Australia (2004), and co-author of Digital Disability: The Social
Construction of Disability in New Media (2003).

Registration costs  (GST Inclusive) - includes lunch and other
refreshments and evening lecture/ book lauch by Kim Anderson.

Early Bird (before 31 September 04)   $319.00
After Early Bird
UQ Post graduate student only         $330.00
Non UQ-PG/Unwaged                     $363.00
Waged/Staff                           $429.00

For more information and registration, please visit the website, 

Or  contact Andrea Mitchell (a.mitchell at uq.edu.au) or Gerard Goggin
(g.goggin at uq.edu.au).

Melissa Gregg
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies
4th Floor, Forgan Smith Tower
University of Queensland Australia 4072
CRICOS provider number: 00025B

ph     61 7 3346 9762
mob    61 4 1116 5706
fax    61 7 3365 7184

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