[csaa-forum] the ivory ceiling

rebecca farley farleyrebecca at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 10 23:16:40 CST 2004

...umm.... nope, turns out I can't say much more without opening the floodgates to a full-fledged rant. :/
Besides, nobody really needs *me* to say 'rampant managerialism' or 'diminishing resources' or to talk about the increasingly stiff competition for jobs which means if you don't want to be trapped forever in a teaching-oriented institution (they already exist in practice, if not in policy) you've got to "work night and day and not care about anything else" (as my official 'mentor' told me). Add in a little journal attack not dissimilar to Jeffrey Weinstock's post earlier this year (I'm still trying to recover from being 'glib', 'fatuous' and 'wrong-headed') and basically I'm just finding academia, well, it ain't no fun no more.
I would desperately love for someone to tell me it's not so bad, but all the Aussies I know say they're here because it's worse back home.
Ah, that's it - I'm going to the beach to cheer myself up. (And in Wales, that's saying something.)


Melissa Gregg <m.gregg at uq.edu.au> wrote: 
could you please tell us a little bit more about what has disheartened
about the position you have? these are details that i suspect would be
useful for those aspiring for academic employment, but this is also a
research pursuit of mine at the moment. any one else too. i'd like to
know about different experiences in the UK and in comparison to other
perhaps if meaghan or any other present/past freelancers are reading we
could also hear some thoughts on whether a freelance status is possible
in quite the same way in today's circumstances - the larger number of
publishing outlets and particularly journals was an important factor in
the 70s and 80s, right?
and mel - these days i'm trying to teach, write for journals and keep a
blog too - just to cover all the options! but i don't think i'll ever
have as many readers as you do on a saturday morning in Spectrum!

mel #2

rebecca farley wrote:

> Cheers Mel - what a good question! As a nearly-finished phd
> *seriously* disheartened by my first year of work in a UK university I
> would also be very keen to hear what other options there might be.
> Rebecca F

Melissa Gregg
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies
4th Floor, Forgan Smith Tower
University of Queensland 4072
CRICOS provider number: 00025B

ph 61 7 3346 9762
mob 61 4 1116 5706
fax 61 7 3365 7184

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