[csaa-forum] Imagining New Zealand/Aotearoa

Melissa Gregg m.gregg at uq.edu.au
Mon May 3 13:53:43 CST 2004

Imagining New Zealand/Aotearoa:
Histories and Representations

The eleventh annual day conference of the
New Zealand Studies Association

To be held in the Penthouse, New Zealand House, Haymarket, London SWY
Saturday 3 July 2004 10.00am to 6.00pm (registration 9.30am)

To be opened by Suzanne Blumhardt, Deputy High Commissioner for New
to the United Kingdom


Claudia Bell (University of Auckland) Globalisation and National
Indentity in New Zealand

Hilary Bracefield (University of Ulster) The Journey of Gillian
Whitehead: Untangling Musical Heritages

Danny Butt (Unitec) A Brasher New Zealand: The Horrors of History

Alex Calder (University of Auckland) Nature and Belonging: The
Question of Pakeha Turangawaewae

Jan Cronin (University of Leeds) "Encircling Tubes of Being": New
Zealand as Hypothetical Site in Janet Frame¹s A State of Siege

Sarah Davy (Wiltshire) From A to Bee: New Zealand's Forgotten Food

Klaus Dodds and Kathryn Yusoff (Royal Holloway, University of
London) Settlement and Unsettlement in Aotearoa/ New Zealand
and Antarctica

Ilana Gershon (Yale University) Representing the Bicultural Nation:
Maori Sovereigns and New Zealand Sovereignties

John Lyall (Unitec) Representations of the Sublime in New Zealand:
Early Landscape Painting

Anne Maxwell (University of Melbourne) The Cultural Politics of
Landscape Representation in Katherine Mansfield's The Urewera

Brian McDonnell (Massey University) "Heads it¹s Warriors and Tails
it¹s Whales": Flipping the Coin on Maori Film Representations

Alan Phillipson (Exeter) "The New New Poetry²: Anthologists, Critics
and the Rhetoric of Exclusion

Leslie Roberts (University of Canterbury) The Antarcticans:
Antarctican Culture in New Zealand

Sarah Shieff (University of Waikato) The Bone People: Myths of

Rochelle Simmons (University of Otago) The Suburb in New Zealand

And special guests to be confirmed

Art display by Kathy Shaw

The New Zealand Studies Association. We gratefully acknowledge support
Kakapo Books

Fees: £18 (in advance), £20 (on the day), £15 (students) to include
and morning and afternoon tea. £5 reduction for members. Registration
payment can occur on the day, but as spaces are limited booking in
is advised. Cheques made payable to 'The New Zealand Studies
should be sent to Roy Smith (address below), enclosing a S.A.E.
enquiries to Janet Wilson (address below).

Conference enquiries to Ian Conrich, University of Surrey Roehampton,
of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Roehampton Lane, London SW15 5PH.
0115 9846578. Email: ian at ianconrich.co.uk

or Dominic Alessio, Richmond the American International University in
London, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Queens Road, Richmond,
Surrey TW10 6JP. Email: alessid at richmond.ac.uk

or Janet Wilson, University College Northampton, Department of English,
School of Cultural Studies, Northampton NN2 7AL.

Email: janet.Wilson at northampton.ac.uk
<mailto:janet.Wilson at northampton.ac.uk>

or Roy Smith, Nottingham Trent University, Dept. of International
Clifton campus, Nottingham NG11 8NS.
Email: roy.smith at ntu.ac.uk

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