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<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;" class="elementToProof">General Call for Papers</span><br>
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<div class="x_kvgmc6g5 x_cxmmr5t8 x_oygrvhab x_hcukyx3x x_c1et5uql x_ii04i59q" style="margin:0px; color:rgb(5,5,5); font-size:15px; text-align:left; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start" class="elementToProof"><i>Journal of Ecohumanism</i> invites contributors to submit their articles.</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Submission Deadline: throughout a year</div>
<div class="x_cxmmr5t8 x_oygrvhab x_hcukyx3x x_c1et5uql x_o9v6fnle x_ii04i59q" style="margin:0.5em 0px 0px; color:rgb(5,5,5); font-size:15px; text-align:left; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start"><i>Journal of Ecohumanism </i>aims to open up new possibilities in reconfiguring the multidimensional internship among humans and the more-than-human world by focusing on the structure, mechanics, functionalities, and
representations of this internship manifested across ecohumanist and civil contexts. Since Environmental Humanities ample research has looked at variable aspects of ecological citizenship, we have to focus on globalization's temporality in the rise of Citizen
Humanities. In this sense, we are in the midst of constant transformations and evolutionary processes, contributing to the world defining, even perceiving new planetary narrations. In response, the Journal of Ecohumanism develops conversations to consider
how challenging conditions shape the concept of citizenship as form, structure, identity, representation and insight, as well as how ecohumanism affects our civil experience of space and time.</div>
<div dir="auto" class="x_elementToProof" style="text-align:start">Moreover, Journal of Ecohumanism features original research articles, discussion papers and book reviews in a great range of topics covered by critical ecohumanism and citizenship, including
but not limited to works informed by cross-cultural and transnational approaches in their intersections with literary theory, cultural studies, cultural criticism, comparative literature, media studies, social studies, religious studies, medical humanities,
continental philosophy, and environmental ethics. Ôhe journal welcomes research in environmental humanities, ecopoetics, ecofeminism, ecopsychology, eco-/bio-art, eco-linguistics, matters of Anthropocene or Capitalocene, symbiosis and the era of Symbiocene,
citizen humanities and art, semiotics of space and place, urban ecology, smart cities, resilience and sustainability, biopolitics, bioterrorism, pandemic literature and art, posthumanism and related topics about eco-citizenship and the future of Humanities.</div>
<div class="x_cxmmr5t8 x_oygrvhab x_hcukyx3x x_c1et5uql x_o9v6fnle x_ii04i59q" style="margin:0.5em 0px 0px; color:rgb(5,5,5); font-size:15px; text-align:left; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">All the aforementioned disciplines and research fields change how we understand citizenship by interpreting and translating the complexities of the world that we live in alongside the interplays among humans and the
more-than-human world. In conclusion, the Journal of Ecohumanism is open to contributions from around the globe by enriching and promoting the interdisciplinary dialogue between academics, practitioners, policymakers, and students working on different disciplines
and encouraging the ecohumanist and citizen narratives in both theory and praxis.</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Currently, submissions in English and French are considered. For all articles, an abstract in English is required. For submissions in French, another abstract in the original language is required.</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">The journal follows a strict double-blind review policy embedded in our general publishing ethics and supported by rigorous academic scrutiny of papers published. We invite papers, commentaries, discussion papers and
book reviews investigating the ecohumanist and civil narratives in Environmental Humanities, Citizen Humanities, Literary Theory and Cultural Criticism, enabling short research accounts, debates, study cases, book reviews in this interdisciplinary field of
Humanities. The Journal seeks to explore issues beyond the “ecocentric-anthropocentric” binary and to examine the changing status of subjectivity, agency, and citizenship today through the complex relations between nature and techno-culture while encouraging
a philosophical rethinking of citizenship in a more-than-human world.</div>
<div class="x_cxmmr5t8 x_oygrvhab x_hcukyx3x x_c1et5uql x_o9v6fnle x_ii04i59q" style="margin:0.5em 0px 0px; color:rgb(5,5,5); font-size:15px; text-align:left; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Possible topics include but are not limited to:</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecocriticism and the Ĺcological Culture</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Environmental Ethics</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecofeminism</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecopsychology</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecopoetics</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Eco-/Bio Art</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Continental Philosophy</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Posthumanism</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Citizenship and/in Postcolonial Studies</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Citizenship and/in Animal Studies</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Citizenship and/in Media Studies</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Citizenship and/in Religious Studies</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Citizenship and/in Disability Studies</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Citizenship and/in Medical Humanities</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Citizenship and/in Gender Studies</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Ecohumanism and Citizenship and/in Narrative Studies</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Citizen Humanities</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Citizen Art</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Pandemic Literature</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Pandemic Art</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Semiotics of Space and Place</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Urban ecology, Smart cities, Sustainability, Resilience</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Bioethics</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Biopolitics</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Bioterrorism</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Anthropocene or Capitalocene</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Matters of Symbiosis and the era of Symbiocene</div>
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">Eco-citizenship and the future of Humanities</div>
<div class="x_cxmmr5t8 x_oygrvhab x_hcukyx3x x_c1et5uql x_o9v6fnle x_ii04i59q" style="margin:0.5em 0px 0px; color:rgb(5,5,5); font-size:15px; text-align:left; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">
<div dir="auto" style="text-align:start">All submissions should follow the latest guidelines of APA style referencing. You are welcome to submit full-length papers and discussion papers (5000-6000 words), commentaries and book reviews (1000-2000 words).</div>
<div class="x_cxmmr5t8 x_oygrvhab x_hcukyx3x x_c1et5uql x_o9v6fnle x_ii04i59q" style="margin:0.5em 0px 0px; color:rgb(5,5,5); font-size:15px; text-align:left; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">
<div dir="auto" class="x_elementToProof" style="text-align:start">Please direct any queries about the journal to (journalofecohumanism@gmail.com).</div>
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<span dir="auto" style="text-align:start">[<span><a href="https://journals.tplondon.com/ecohum.../announcement/view/40?fbclid=IwAR2U9YppowonB2wx5Vmj1U07NSxLMF0IO-x4hT9QLE6epox_sOu5GXb56KQ" data-auth="NotApplicable" class="x_oajrlxb2 x_g5ia77u1 x_qu0x051f x_esr5mh6w x_e9989ue4 x_r7d6kgcz x_rq0escxv x_nhd2j8a9 x_nc684nl6 x_p7hjln8o x_kvgmc6g5 x_cxmmr5t8 x_oygrvhab x_hcukyx3x x_jb3vyjys x_rz4wbd8a x_qt6c0cv9 x_a8nywdso x_i1ao9s8h x_esuyzwwr x_f1sip0of x_lzcic4wl x_gpro0wi8 x_py34i1dx" tabindex="0" style="outline:none; list-style:none; border-width:0px; margin:0px; display:inline; box-sizing:border-box">https://journals.tplondon.com/ecohum.../announcement/view/40</a></span>]</span></div>