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<title>Media@Sydney presents: Share Wars - social media and news sharing</title>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="4"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:14pt"><b>Media@Sydney presents<br>
Share Wars – social media and news sharing </b></span></font></font></p>
<p><font face="Arial"><font size="2"><span style="font-size:10pt"><br>
Ever wondered why some news stories ‘go viral’ on social media, and others don’t? Or why Facebook news about animals is more shared than news about any other topic? Join Media @Sydney guests and
<i>Share Wars</i> founders Hal Crawford, editor-in-chief of ninemsn, and Andrew Hunter, editor-in-chief of Microsoft Windows 8 apps, for a data-driven glimpse at what types of news we're sharing and discussion about why we share it.
The <i>Share Wars</i> project is a unique experiment in tracking, categorising and analysing the way social media users share news and information, based on the collection of real-time sharing data from 100-plus news sites across the globe. It explores new
frontiers for the business and practices of online journalism, as well as the future of strategic communications, political and social activism.<br>
<b>Friday April 12th, 3-4.30pm, <br>
New Law School F10, RM030<br>
Camperdown campus, Sydney<br>
Map:</b> <a href="http://sydney.edu.au/law/about/docs_pdfs/Law%20Faculty%20Teaching%20Spaces.pdf">
<b>Please RSVP to Madeleine King <a href="mkin5545@uni.sydney.edu.au">mkin5545@uni.sydney.edu.au</a><br>
<b>The Share Wars team:<br>
Andrew Hunter is an Editor-in-Chief at Microsoft. He has worked in newspapers, magazines and digital during a 20-year career in media. He is studying for an MBA at Macquarie Graduate School of Management.<br>
Hal Crawford is ninemsn's Editor-in-Chief. He is a print and digital veteran who began his career at The West Australian newspaper. Hal has also taught journalism at La Trobe University in Melbourne.
Domagoj Filipovic is ninemsn's Commercial Development Program Manager. He developed the Share Wars Likeable Engine, which tracks sharing of news stories in real time.
<p align="CENTER"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:12pt"><b>Media@Sydney is hosted by the Department of Media and Communications
<p><font face="Arial"><font size="2"><span style="font-size:10pt"><br>
</span></font><span style="font-size:12pt"><br>
</span><font color="#808080"><font size="1"><span style="font-size:9pt">DR FIONA MARTIN | Senior Lecturer in Convergent and Online Media<br>
Department of Media and Communications | School of Letters Arts and Media<br>
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences <br>
Rm 205, Holme Building A09 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006 <br>
T +61 2 9036 5098 | F +61 2 9351 5444 | M +61 428 391 122 <br>
E <a href="fiona.martin@sydney.edu.au">fiona.martin@sydney.edu.au</a><br>
W <a href="http://sydney.edu.au/">http://sydney.edu.au/</a><br>
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