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<p>One last reminder to all that the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference abstract deadline is this Saturday, 1 Sept.<br /><br />Please, if you are able, forward this information to departmental academic and post-graduate mailing lists.<br /><br /><a href="http://ascp.org.au/ascp-conference" target="_blank">http://ascp.org.au/ascp-conference</a><br /><br /><strong>Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy</strong><br />2012 Annual Conference<br />The University of Auckland, New Zealand<br />10th-12th December, 2012<br /><br /><strong>Keynote speakers</strong>:<br /><br /> Prof Todd May (Clemson)<br /> Prof Georgia Warnke (UC Riverside)<br /> Prof Claire Colebrook (PennState / UNSW)<br /><br /><strong>Submission of abstracts</strong><br />We welcome papers on any topic related to the field of Continental/European Philosophy. Presenters may select either a 30-minute or a 50-minute slot. (You will be notified if we cannot accommodate your preference.)<br /><br />Abstract submission deadline: 1st September, 2012.<br /><br />Note: Abstracts have a maximum length of 1500 characters.<br /><br />Confirmation of acceptance will be forwarded within one month of submission. Acceptance is conditional upon receipt of registration payment by 1 Dec. If registration payment is not received by the deadline, the Conference Committee reserves the right to remove papers from the programme.<br /><br /><a href="http://ascp.org.au/ascp-conference" target="_blank">http://ascp.org.au/ascp-conference</a><strong><br /></strong></p>
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