apologies for cross-posting<br><br>Leturer/Senior Lecturer Vacancy in Film at Victoria University of Wellington<br><br><span class="detailValue">The School of English, Film, Theatre, and
Media Studies at Victoria University invites applications for a
permanent position for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Film, to begin
in January 2013. Candidates with demonstrated expertise in one or more
of the following areas are especially invited to apply: Asian cinema;
non-Western cinema; digital media and cinema. The ability to teach New
Zealand cinema, production and/or screenwriting is also welcomed.
Candidates with expertise in other areas will also be considered.
<br>The successful candidate should have a Ph.D in hand (or expected
prior to January 2013) in film studies or related field, a record of
scholarly productivity, and the ability to teach a broad range of
introductory and advanced film courses. At the Senior Lecturer level,
candidates will need to have a strong record of scholarly research and
publication; an active research agenda; demonstrated evidence of high
quality teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels; experience in
successful student supervision at MA and PhD levels; and administrative
experience and leadership.
<br>The appointee will have the opportunity to contribute to a vibrant
and growing interdisciplinary program in Film at Victoria and to other
academic and creative communities in Wellington, New Zealand.
<br>Applications should include the following materials: a letter of
interest addressing teaching and research goals; a curriculum vitae with
the name of three referees; a writing sample, teaching evaluations and a
research plan will be required for the next phase of the process but
may be submitted initially.
<br>For information about this position and to begin online application, please visit (<a href="http://vacancies.vuw.ac.nz/">http://vacancies.vuw.ac.nz/</a>)
<br>You may also contact Associate Professor Thierry Jutel, Head of School (<a href="mailto:Thierry.jutel@vuw.ac.nz">Thierry.jutel@vuw.ac.nz</a>).
</span><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><a href="http://vuw.academia.edu/MiriamRoss" target="_blank">http://vuw.academia.edu/MiriamRoss</a><br><br>